"Cancer is a chapter in a life, not the whole story, and you're living proof that is the case."
Jamie and Amanda spoke to Coping with Cancer North East, a charity proudly supported by Global's Make Some Noise.
Coping with Cancer North East offers support to anyone affected by cancer across the North East.
They provide counselling, coaching, acupuncture and a range of therapies to over a thousand people, year on year.
Their mission is to share experiences and strategies that help people cope with cancer.
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Global’s Make Some Noise improves the lives of disadvantaged people by working with small charities across the UK.
We believe everyone deserves to feel safe, feel well, feel included and feel prepared. So we work across four key areas: providing shelter and safety, supporting physical and mental health, improving life skills, and preventing isolation.
We give grants to small charities.
This year alone, we’re supporting crucial services at 100 small charities, including food banks, mental health and domestic violence helplines, carer support, community projects and employment programmes.
We’re proud to be a voice for small charities. We raise awareness of some of the biggest issues affecting our society by working with Global, the Media & Entertainment Group.
As well as championing small charities, we help to sustain their future through our learning programme, so they can continue making positive waves of change.
In short, we give grants, we give a voice, and we give a helping hand to small charities up and down the country.
Give today to help disadvantaged people across the UK: www.makesomenoise.com/donate/