On 21st of February, at the residence a Thiruppukazh anbar in Salem, amidst the congregation of ardent Thiruppukazh devotees, a homage to Lord Muruga was made through the hymns of Thiruppukazh, led by none other than Salem Thiruppukazh Semmani, our highly revered Thiruppukazh exponent, Sri Ramadas mama.... The session was made lively with the active participation of a closely knit assembly of Thiruppukazh devotees, made more absorbing not only by the soul stirring rendering of the Thiruppukazh songs, but it turned out to be a soul searching one with the depth and inner meaning of the hymns explained by Ramadas mama in a lucid and endearing way, well received by the assembled devotees.... Started by late evening and lasted till early night, a divine satsang... with the sublime Thiruppukazh hymns ringing in our ears and filling our mind.... 🙏🙏