이어폰이나 헤드셋을 착용해 주세요🎧
Please wear earphones or headphones🎧
저화 함께 스터디윗미 하실래요?
처음부터 끝까지 학생 때로 돌아간 것처럼
노토킹 스터디윗미 버전입니다.
와~ 이렇게 공부해 본 게 정말 오랜만이에요 :)
실제로 집중해서 읽어봤는데 이해가 잘되지 않더라고요 하하
그래도 열심히 풀고 공부해 봤어요^^
이틀 뒤면 수능인데, 수험생 여러분들 힘내세요! 화이팅!
Do you want to study with me?
As if I went back to my student days from beginning to end
This is the no talking version of #studywithme.
Wow, it's been a while since I studied like this :)
I actually concentrated on reading it,
but I couldn't understand it very well.
But I worked hard to solve it and study hard^^
The Korean college entrance exam is coming up in two days.
Good luck, test takers! Way to go!