Little Cheesy thought it would be HILARIOUS to prank his mom while she was sleeping... 😴💤 With a bucket of water in hand 🪣💦 and his older brother Cheesy egging him on 🧀👀, he throws the water... and BOOM! Mom wakes up FURIOUS! 😡 Little Cheesy SCREAMS and tries to run 🏃♂️💨, but his brother SLAMS THE DOOR SHUT 🚪🔒, leaving him trapped inside with angry mom! 😱😂 What happens next? Let’s just say... the screams stop, and Cheesy can’t stop LAUGHING outside! 🤣 Don’t miss this EPIC prank fail! 🧀💥
#LittleCheesy #PrankFail #FunnyShorts #HilariousMoments #AdultHumor #AnimatedComedy #RelatablePranks #YouTubeShorts #EpicFails #CheesyBrothers