How can nutrition in emergencies programmes optimize young child development?
Nutrition interventions in emergencies are essential to child survival, growth, and development. So, how can we further amplify the effects on immediate and sustained child development by enhancing our approach to Nutrition in Emergencies?
Maureen Black from RTI International and University of Maryland School of Medicine will join us to discuss the importance of investing in Early Childhood Development (ECD) along with a panel of practitioners who will share examples from their work in East Africa, State of Palestine, and Colombia.
In this webinar, you will hear about innovative strategies, key challenges, necessary support, and insights into ways we can shift the field towards more holistic programming for young children in crisis and conflict settings. A short time for Q&A will follow.
This webinar will be in English with simultaneous translation into French, Spanish, and Arabic.
#InfantFeeding, #EmergencyResponse #NutritionInEmergencies #Nutrition #GlobalHealth #HumanitarianAid
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