Take a look behind the scenes of legendary Großglockner roadgap shooting last season.
BUY THE FULL MOVIE HERE: itunes.apple.com/us/movie/hurt-so-good/id555519375
Cinematography: Sean Balmer
Editing: Andre Nutini
Executive Producers: Bene Mayr, Paddy Graham, Tobi Reindl, Thomas Hlawitschka
Co-production: Red Bull Media House
Starring: Bene Mayr, Paddy Graham, Tobi Reindl, Thomas Hlawitschka, Jossi Wells, Max Hill, Tobi Trischer, Sebastian Hannemann, Lolo Favre, Sven Kueenle, Sam Smoothy, Sig Tveit, Fabio Studer, Sebi Geiger, Nico Vuignier, Frej Jönsson, Gaute Silseth
Locations:Großglockner Hochalpen Strasse