A Home mandir is imperative for many other reasons as well:
• It is a way for us to welcome our deities and offer them an enduring space in our hearts and home.
• With a dedicated space, there flourishes an integral self-confidence that he is always there to protect the family from all types of harm and evils.
• The resident can invoke his blessings by conversing with him daily as well as on special occasions.
• A puja temple holds our spiritual thoughts and routes our feelings, which infiltrate through our heart and manipulate the mind and the soul.
• No matter how exhausted or distressed we are, by just being in the prayer room our entire mood is transformed and we feel complete peace within.
• A home temple serves as the rite of passage from one generation to the other. It enables us to infuse our religious values and instill righteous morals in children.
• It is a special place where the entire family - young or old assemble in unison, Mainly on special occasions to solemnly worship and seek divine blessings.
• In other words, it offers a religious sanctuary at home.
• There are positive as well as negative forms of energy, existing at different locations for certain reasons. Placing a temple will keep the home away from evil energies and emit positive vibes bringing safety.
• The sound generated by blowing the conch and bells activates the surrounding subtle waves. which makes the environment within the house virtuous, sattvik, spiritual, and Pious.
#hariaumtatsat #harharmahadev