A DAY IN AUTUMN 🍂 Autumn Mix - Ikson®
Personal Note:
Hi everybody! Hope you're having a great October wherever you are in the world - With this short mix/album I wanted to compile and package some of my Autumn inspired tracks that I've released through the years, into one collection; with hopes to inspire and bring an entertaining listening experience. I do also hope that the compositions can be of use to you as you tell your story online, you will find download links and usage instructions below.
All the best! - Ikson
Tracklist w download links:
00:00 Yellow | ikson.lnk.to/yellowdl
02:55 Dear Autumn | bit.ly/2El4k8Z
05:16 Pumpkin Field | ikson.lnk.to/pumpkinfielddl
08:31 Staying In | ikson.lnk.to/stayingin
09:45 As Leaves Fall | ikson.lnk.to/asleavesfall
13:32 A Maple's Coat | ikson.lnk.to/amaplescoatdl
16:19 October Sun | ikson.lnk.to/octobersun
©️ Usage Policy - I want to help people of any financial situation to tell their stories on the internet, hence why I allow all my music to be free to use (no claims) in videos on Youtube & social media, under the pre-condition that I am properly credited. This applies to normal posts, boosted posts or ads.
More Information + Credit instructions for all platforms → iksonmusic.com/usagepolicy
℗ 2021 Tell Your Story: music by ikson