Pete The Cat and The Missing Cupcakes Collection | Pete The Cat Read Aloud Stories | KittyCatCollection | 56Mins of great learning for our Children!!
Pete the Cat and his friends are busy as can be baking cupcakes for a party, and Pete can’t wait to perform with his groovy band. But some of the cupcakes have gone missing! Who could have taken them? Come and See!
#PeteTheCat #kittycatCollection #petethecatandthemissingcupcakes
[0:07] Pete The Cat and the Missing Cupcakes
[3:58] Pete The Cat The Petes Go Marching
[8:00] Pete The Cat Super Pete
[11:17] Pete The Cat's Groovy Imagination
[15:17] Pete The Cat and The New Guy
[19:33] Pete The Cat and His Magic Sunglasses
[21:13] Pete The Kitty Wash Your Hands
[26:52] Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes
[31:24] Pete The Cat Rocking in My School Shoes
[35:35] Pete The Cat and His FOUR Groovy Buttons
[40:31] Pete the Cat Saves Christmas
[44:51] Pete The Kitty and the Unicorns Missing Colours
[48:07] Pete The Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party
[52:48] Pete The Cat and the Missing Cupcakes
[56:37] THE END
Stories by Eric Litwin, Art by James Dean, Edited by KittyCat, Music & Narration from HarperCollins Children's Book. Many other books similar can be found at
#PeteTheCatThePetesGoMarching #PetetheCatILoveMyWhiteShoes #kittycat #kittycatanimation #PeteTheCatrockinginmyschoolshoes #PETETHECATandThePerfectPizzaParty #PetetheCatandhisfourgroovybuttons #PetetheCatILoveMyWhiteshoescollection
#PeteTheCatSavesChristmas #singalongbook #childrensbook #childrensstorybook #readaloud