Patriotic Jello Poke Cake -- Fun July 4th Dessert -- Light and Cool Dessert
Patriotic Jello Poke Cake
1 box white cake mix prepared according to box directions
1.5 oz blue jello (half of a small box)
1.5 oz red jello (half of a small box)
1 cup boiling water, divided
8 oz whipped topping
1. Prepare cake according to box directions.
2. When cake is cooled, combine 1/2 cup boiling water with blue jello in a bowl. Stir until dissolved.
3. In another bowl, combine 1/2 cup boiling water with red jello. Stir until dissolved.
4. Using a wooden spoon, poke several holes in the cake.
5. Carefully spoon jello mixtures into the holes, trying to only pour one color into each hole. Also be sure to spread the colors throughout to create a fun color pattern.
6. Place cake in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow jello to soak in.
7. Frost with whipped topping and finish things off with sprinkles.
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