I Choose My Future, a captivating presentation and video series by the San Diego County Office of Education, provides viewers with comprehensive, straightforward insight into how substance abuse impacts the individual, their families, and society.
Written with youth (middle school and above) in mind, the fundamental message is that the harm that results from substance abuse begins with the initial decisions by users to experiment with drugs. YOU decide whether to experiment with drugs. YOU choose your future!
Although primarily aimed at students, it’s important that adults in the school community also hear this message so that students, parents, and school staff have shared understandings of the serious and constantly evolving drug threats facing our children.
I Choose My Future is available as an in-person presentation or as a six-part video series. Both are presented by Rocky Herron, drug ambassador for the San Diego County Office of Education and a 31-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration. To date, Herron has delivered the presentation in person to more than 130,000 students in 15 countries.
This is Chapter 6 in the video series, which explores the dangerous world of opioids and how we reached the current drug landscape with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid driving the increase in overdose deaths in the country. We define tolerance and withdrawal syndrome, and talk about fentanyl with experts Jennifer Harmon, crime lab director, and Chelsea Carter, supervising criminalist, from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. We travel through the evolution of both legal and illegal drug production, and how our addictions to various drugs led cartels to create fake pills filled with fentanyl. We hear a heart-wrenching story from Rita and Dave Palet, who lost their son to accidental fentanyl poisoning, and San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan talks about the pressures young people face today, the dangers of drug experimentation, and how to handle difficult situations.
To watch the entire I Choose My Future video series and to learn more, visit the San Diego County Office of Education website: www.SDCOE.net/IChoose.
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