Hot Dog on a Stick? Horrible Website Design? Dave Chappelle on AGT?! In this episode the team recaps their favorite moments of AGT Season 18 Episode 5 and Julian addresses the elephant in the room...
0:00 - The Elephant in the Room...
9:22 - Intro Music
9:30 - Introductions
10:03 - Slay or Nay
15:22 - The Sharpe Family
24:59 - Adrian Stoica and Hurricane
30:25 - Chen Lei
34:11 - Trailer Flowers
39:17 - Website Design Rant
42:02 - Erica Coffelt
51:03 - PSA (Shout Out @ArtWorldNYC)
53:47 - Ryland Petty
1:00:12 - M
1:03:33 - Barry Brewer Jr.
1:06:51 - I Be Flossin
1:10:43 - Justin Jackson
1:14:55 - Ryan Hayashi
1:16:16 - Sangsoon Kim
1:23:04 - Lachuné
1:29:34 - Final Thoughts
1:33:40 - Outro Music
#TheRecapRoom #agt #talentrecap