Go watch my next video early: nebula.tv/videos/thepresentpast-why-most-african-f…
Indonesia has a colonial history of over 400 years. But that doesn't mean Indonesia is immune to modern day colonialism. Or is it?
00:00 - 01:09: Intro
01:09 - 03:20: Dutch Go Home
03:20 - 07:40: Merdeka
07:40 - 10:35: Dutch New Guinea
10:35 - 14:29: Act of Free Choice?
Pepijn Brandon (eds). De slavernij in Oost en West. Het Amsterdam-onderzoek
David van Reybrouck - Revolusi. Indonesië en het ontstaan van de moderne wereld
Piet Hagen Koloniale oorlogen in Indonesië: Vijf eeuwen verzet tegen vreemde overheersing
P.J. Drooglever Een daad van vrije keuze: de Papoea's van westelijk Nieuw-Guinea en de grenzen van het zelfbeschikkingsrecht 2005
Rodd McGibbon Secessionist Challenges in Aceh and Papua: Is Special Autonomy the Solution? www.files.ethz.ch/isn/26104/PS010.pdf
Benidict Anderson imagined communities; is.muni.cz/el/1423/jaro2016/SOC757/um/61816961/Ben…
Hi there, my name is Jochem Boodt. I make the show The Present Past, where I show how the present has been influenced by the past. History, but connected to the present and fun!
Every episode I show how history has influenced and made a thing, an idea or event in our present time.
I make different content. You can find me on:
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@thepresentpast
Instagram www.instagram.com/the_presentpast/
Twitter : twitter.com/@ThePresent_Past
Logo by: www.instagram.com/multicolor_junkie/
If you have an idea for an episode please fill in this form: