Send this video to someone who ALWAYS has to poop at the gym.
Hope you guys like the funny gym skit at the beginning! In this vlog I explain why I was (and you may be) taking Pre-Workout the wrong way, and tell you how to take pre-workout. As well as me and the boys have some fun on Walmart skateboards. I also take you guys through a push day workout, and spend some time with my girlfriend. Lots of funny moments in this one! If you haven't seen my last video were I try David Laid's Pre-Workout "Euphoria" Click the first link below!
I tried David Laid's Pre-Workout - • I tried David Laid's Preworkout | Vlo...
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I'm trying to improve my videography and make better vlogs, as well as focus on my fitness/bodybuilding and train even harder, I want to make even better vlogs and fitness type videos! As well as venture more into funny "short film" segments and whatnot, hope you guys enjoyed!
#preworkout #fitness #funny
David Laid, Dylan McKenna, Gymshark, Pre-Workout, Funny skit, pre-workout causing poops, deadlifting, chest day, push day, fitness, teen, bodybuilding, Lexx Little, Maxx Chewning, Christian Guzman, Gym Prank.