
Dr. Linkov is the most multi faceted, caring and down to earth surgeon I’ve known.


Gary your skin is magnificent I’ve never seen a more HANDSOME man with no HAIR !


My favorite version of imperfection is Shelley Duvall in the shining. She was a leading lady and her teeth did not have to be perfect for her to be beautiful and talented.


I needed to hear this. Thank you ❤


I like my gummy smile. So many cosmetic dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and dentists had suggested procedures to me to reduce/hide my gum line when smiling, and I always refuse. If it worked for Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts it will do just fine for me. 😁
My smile is what makes me me.


So true. And most people who take good care of themselves look attractive.  There is variety and that's a good thing.
And Doctor, how common is it to see people with one eye or ear shape from the father's genetics and one from the mother's ? I have an ear from each but i know quite a few people with one or the other or both.


Also agree with this entirely


You are to sweet ❤





I love women with unibrows and bushy eyebrows in general. Anyone else?


Dr you most have alot of money.. because you sound tired❤


Perfect brows look weird. They dont look right.


hes a buddist plastic surgeon


대머리를 고치면 믿겠다


This I have to disagree with. lol. I do not want to see unibrow everywhere. lol


I think that's coping.


Very Uni que😂


Your model with marks on her face looks pretty flawless. I hope that she isn't changing anything 🤔💙