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Any person who wrote Gypsy Rose in prison with the intention to date her is a weirdo.


I truly think Ken is a clout chaser. I think he broke up with Gypsy while she was in jail because he wanted to be with women physically and once she got out of jail he realized how much attention she was getting and that's why he came crawling back. The way he treated her at the dinner seen is not the way you treat someone you love. I'm a very picky eater and my boyfriend has NEVER gotten on me for not liking something or for being afraid to try something.


The tea begins at 1:47.


my mouth dropped when he actually said out loud that he wants to shame her


I think Ryan should do a poll 😂


Again, if you would've told me 5 years ago there would be messy Gypsy rose drama. Id ask if your dealer was Heisenberg 🤨


Who’s shocked that 2 men who wrote to a murderer in prison are assholes in real life? 🙄


Pregnant women in general are advised to stay away from seafood.... hes a jerk. I hate the faces he makes and how he treats her. Ryan truly seemed to love her.


Ken is Gypsy's Karma.


girl please I cannot take any more Morgan & Morgan ads!


she shoulda stayed single 🙄


Gypsy said Ken is a “chad”. Never forget 😂😂


You should be covering the released FOIA documents on Gypsy.  She is terrifying.


The way he moved his phone was suspicious as hell but I can't help but wonder if that's all scripted or..?


I think we can all agree that Gypsy should’ve been single and in therapy from the jump but… she made her choices and I think she probably feels like it’s too late given that they have a child now… I just hope the toxic family cycle isn’t repeating itself.


“You can even text your attorney” yeah for probably like $50 a text lol.


Who cares about someone’s food preference? Like it shouldn’t bother you at all because you’re not the one eating it. Dude is delusional.


Gypsy with ryan: i’m going to air out all of problems with the public and my family 👹👹👹
Gypsy with Ken: yeah i don’t tell my family so they don’t pick a side 🙈


Watch Becca Scoops for the real deal on Gypsy ❤