It’s simple Mr. H. One group likes option A, the other Group likes option B. Company owns both options. Company stirs rivalry between both groups. Making each group come out to support their respective properties. Making the company a lot of money which ever option comes out on top.
Hope they do the ape power suits, the drops and don't forget the other alien culture of the Skinnies.
If it is like the book with the mecha-suits it could be interesting. The space marines are not cannon fodder, but highly specialised soldiers.
If you read the book the bugs only appear about halfway through and they are a technologicaly advanced race. If this is following the novel it will be a very different beast.
so Blomkamp was going to make an Alien sequel, which didn't happen, then he was going to make Robocop returns which also didn't happen, I wouldn't hold your breath for this one.
Make this movie 3 hours long SUPER ultra violent gore to the max
The series, Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles was an incredible show. I would love to see a sequel to District 9.
I don't think Starship Troopers movie needs to be that expensive compared to some other current movies. Edge of Tomorrow cost 180 millions, Elysium 115 millions. I think 150-200 millions could be enough. If the movie is faithful to the book, it really won't have much common with Helldivers. Bugs in the book a proper alien civilization with spaceships and energy guns.
Going back to the Heinlein "Starship Soldiers" original can only be a good thing!!!!
The only thing the movie shared with the book was the title. The book was fantastic, and I’d love to see an attempt to reflect it. The movie didn’t touch on the socio political/religious aspects and individual moral struggles, or even the amazing technology (which couldn’t be done in the previous movie). The director choice is a bit worrisome though. I have a strange feeling an Orange general will be a central figure.
i think that if he uses the source material honestly it will be less about HIS ability to story tell ( Heinlein already did the heavy lifting ) and more about his ability to bring Heinleins vision forward cinematically. his eye for science fiction is great so im confident that the powered armour suits and combat sequences will be great at the very least.
This is going to be phenomenal if there studio interference doesn’t ruin it
With Blomkamp in charge it might have a chance to be good. District 9 was incredible.
My nephew was telling me about a cool new game called "Helldivers," and I was like, "That is literally Starship Troopers. You should read the book and watch the movie." LOL.
I've been wanting a faithful adaptation of the book since I first read it in the mid 80's. If done right, it could be amazing. Fingers crossed.
I swear to god if this gets removed ill be pissed. Anytime this guy is involved a project from him gets scrapped by the studio 😅
Like aliens and robocop before this, Neil blompkamp always has the rug pulled from under him
Hope they do the power suits. With Neill's vision this might be really good if he partners back up with Weta effects, they did a great job with production design and effects. Can't wait. Also I was an extra in the original film. I'd love to work on this one too!
I honestly think he's a great pick for this. We saw how he handled the prawns in District 9, and in the book the bugs have technology, and are not just mindless insects. The xenophobic aspects of district 9 could absolutely transfer over to this. So looking forward to it!