Great video! Unfortunately the audio's still about 30% lower than any other video i listen to while on the move. I'll fully agree with the first story especially. It sucks that OP had to go through all that. It sucks no one took their side, the DM especially. But there comes a point when you've got to go "that's enough" and protect yourself. When you shouldn't ignore the clear red flags. Seems OP realized this way too late. I'm a little like the second story's OP. I'm also neurodivergent and a DM. Our group has also played 5e for a long time and I'd also love to play another system with them while they're often less enthusiastic than myself. But I speak with my players. I understand and accept their points of view. I don't work days on end on something I know they'll probably refuse to try. I feel sorry for the OP but not that sorry.
"I go on Reddit so you don't have to." Is that a Nostalgic Critic reference? With his intro and all?
I really like the inclusion of a glory story at the end. Its so fun after the horrors
I’m wondering why there are some people who are overly aggressive, similar to Sapphire in the first story? This sort of behavior shows up a lot in these horror stories. Here’s something that’s been on my mind this evening: Today was session one of a campaign I joined recently. I try to be open minded, but there’s one player who I feel a bit uncomfortable around. It’s great that they have so much energy and enthusiasm, but their choices seem to go against the rest of the group. A couple of the moments from today’s session that stuck with me the most was when the party had to roll to see how successful we were swimming across a pool of water. We were in a mine where some sections had been destroyed or pathways were filled with rubble so we had to find other ways around. Everyone rolled to cross, some rolled better than others, but we all made it across except for this player. They said they didn’t want to swim, and wouldn’t come with us. I don’t remember exactly what they did, but they caused an explosion in order to get through the other side of the wall without swimming, but it just caused the other players and myself to take damage from the force and debris. Eventually we made it to a room with goblins and mummies, and some sort of mysterious artifact in the center of the room. Their patron contacted them telepathically, warning them not to interact with it because it was evil. They said that their patron has never done anything good for them and they don’t care what the patron says, and they rushed towards the artifact and combat between us and the goblins and mummies initiated. When we finally got out of the mines, we brought back a necklace the mayor asked us to find that we had found stuck into the door to the room with the mummies and goblins. The player asked him what the deal was with the necklace, and the mayor said he didn’t know what they were talking about. I started to suggest maybe asking the mayor about what he actually might know, like how he came to possess it or why he needed it, and rolling for insight to see what his reaction might indicate, but I was interrupted and the player said that he grabs the mayor’s neck and threatens to kill him if he doesn’t tell them what he knows. Player’s intimidation succeeds, but the mayor insists he has no idea about anything related to the door or the weird stuff in the mines. The mayor decreases the reward for completing the mission, and says he won’t ask us to complete any more quests. There are some little things that irked me, but I’m generally overly sensitive and am not sure what’s normal because this is my first campaign and I don’t know the other players well. I’m guessing that this player is just really excited and wants to express certain emotions and characteristics through his gameplay, but I still feel a bit worried and bothered…
Call Of Cthullu (at least the version my group is playing) uses a d100 system and golf rules are in place when it comes to the rolled number. Basically low number=good. It's not hard of a system to figure out. Also D6 systems are simple (see the Alien RPG). Any system is easy to figure out unless it's F.A.T.A.L. Then again, THAT is a dumpster fire that's incomprehensible to mere mortal man. With feeling conformable with a system. That's valid and understandable. At the same time, do not be afraid to try new things.
I DMed for many decades. And as I learned the hard way, when a player showed signs of turning the game table into the set for a psychodrama, it was time to reset. That player had to go. If that made me a bad guy, so be it. The game is supposed to be fun, and not a place for you to work out your issues on others. I mean...Jeepers.
its made worst that im 32 in the homebrew story
You know in the early parts of Berserk when Guts blows up at a guy for touching him, showing a glaring hint of his past trauma? Imagine how much better the story would've been if he just went full murder-hobo at the drop of a nickname.
If "what your character would do" is murder somebody over a nickname then you didn't make a heroic character**, and that means you didn't do the homework assignment correctly when you were supposed to make your character. **: even an unlikely hero or whatever. Exception is an explicitly evil or cruel chaos campaign.
The story about the dm trying to set up a minigame and being treated like that would really make me feel like my friends didn’t even like me. On one hand you can’t force people to try new things and the OP shouldn’t have pushed it, when their players were very clear they don’t want to try. On the other the way they purposefully made their DMs minigame miserable and unpleasant on purpose was a shitty thing to do.
As far as the second story goes,I'm unfortunately a lot like those players. I'm also on the spectrum. I only know how to play 5e and therefore, anytime I tried to play any other game, there's just a fundamental misunderstanding. I just don't get or like other systems. I know what I like. I get 5e isn't the best...but it's what I get. I can't help but sympathize with the group, and think maybe the players and the dm should find other groups at this point.