I laughed when Zhongs hair went up
How's the key scary I need😅
Bro said < girlfriend > and bro instantly turned around 😂 😅😅
Nice one at the end 😅
No manches😮 si yo jugaba eso nombre bueno ya le di like me suscribí
Oh por Dios Yo nunca voy a jugar ese juego pero ya me ya le pone Nike y me suscribí
Wow Yo nunca jugaría ese fuego por si acaso si me pegan bueno me voy a suscribir y me y le voy a dar like
Awesome job zhong drop a like for you and I will see you this weekend
They know whichs real
Epic like so look at Hi John, Big Bang, jelly king
More better than you can hit the boy 😁
Why did you leave your old roommate he is so sad :( he lost zoe and now he lost you zhong he lost everything go back to him pls leave your new roommate
Here those who support Ange is my favorite youtuber I love you Sanchez you are my favorite youtuber I love you
Wow Yo nunca jugaría ese juego porque después me pega bien duro la cabeza ya me suscribí y le di like
you should pink. pizza is zhongs weakness
Wow that's a good challenge
It's actually not great.It's actually lime Green 💚
The guy from dhar man 😮🤯🤯
That is bookie I mean scary