"Get off that dirty-ass floor" had me crying XD The comedy is spot on!
I love how they’re both such fans of each other. “A magical girl!” “A real high school loser!!” They’re so cute.
"But I found her, that's good right? Please? I need this?" LMAO HIS PERSONALITY IS PEAK
It's actually VERY effective as a narrative tool to have the return transformation be more detailed than the magic girl transformation, it signifies that it's a burden for her to have powers, and is more excited to be her normal self than the magic girl version.
Gonna be thinking about that detransformation sequence for YEARS to come
The lead pipe scene having higher-effort animation than everything else is the funniest bit
Ah yes, the magical girl, the love interest, and THE EVIL TWINK!!! This is FIRE!!!!!
Reserving more-effort animation for hitting Eclipse with a pipe was the funniest gag I’ve seen in a while
"some girl got a perfect score on the quiz! the curve is FUCKED" LMAOOOO in all seriousness i just randomly got this in my recommended and i'm obsessed i need more. it's funny it's cute it's subversive I LOVE IT!! i especially love that she gets a de-transformation scene rather than a magical girl transformation that's such a good bit
I love Eclipse so much. He can't just say "Star Guardian." He HAS to say "Star Guardian, Guardian of the Stars." He just HAS to be dramatic like that.
The fact that she skipped her magical girl transformation but took her time for the normal girl transformation is such a statement of what she actually finds freeing.
Love the detail that Zira's eyes are obscured by her glasses until the moment she realizes Aika is actually trying to make a connection to her!
“star guardian, guardian of the stars” reminds me of “SAND GUARDIAN, GUARDIAN OF THE SANDS. POSEIDON QUIVERS BEFORE HIM!!”
Im so used to adult animation being. So very adult. that i was caught off guard by the fbomb drop. Had me convinced it was a project for kids at first lol. Swearing and adult jokes can be so much more effective when used sparingly
Okay, Eclipse’s “HAHA YES” broke me.
People aren't giving the de-transformation sequence enough credit. Transformation sequences often symbolize liberation and empowerment. In addition to the girl's literal transformation, it also represents the ladies breaking away from their restraints to realize their full potential. But Aika doesn't feel that way when she dons the skirt. Quite the opposite, she finds it oppressive. Her putting on that outfit is no different than putting on a work uniform. The only time she truly feels free and empowered is when she is in her regular clothes, no longer shackled by the responsibilities of having to fight evil. To her, taking OFF the outfit is liberating, which is why there is a detransforming sequence.
I've never wanted a pilot to become a full series more than this
The concept of the transformation itself being instant while the detransformation getting the animated scene says everything you need to know about Aika. I love it!