
When kylie talked about vitamins, antioxidants and electrolytes I cracked up sooo hard bc you can just tell from her VOICE that she has no idea what the last one actually is 😭💀😂


"The Kardahians are in TROUBLE" every other day this year I swear lmao 😭 they'll be in trouble when people finally stop talking about them tbh. God I cannot wait for the day. (Not that I'm helping I love watching them fail I can't lie lol 😆)


Influencer branding manager here! I work with legal docs and FTC compliance all the time and here’s some insight: you only have to legally disclose social media posts if you were paid for the post. What many brands do is have celebs “model on the website” and they get paid for that, and they secretly tell celebs to post online without disclosures. If the FTC investigates it, the invoices to the celeb will be itemized as website modeling, showing that they never were paid for social media posts and therefore didn’t need to disclose! As long as you have an invoice for your money, and it was for something else, it’s a loophole for social media posts


As if the kardashians would ever just give a free shoutout to a brand. If a brand is on their page, they're getting paid


Seriously, can they just go away already?


You know what they say-- if the punishment for a crime is a fine, it's only illegal for poor people.


We SAY theyre in trouble but no one ever actually gets in trouble or stops being aholes, and they keep doing it. It's dystopian and sad


“ we talk about influences like Mikayla who choose to break the law “ HAHAHA instantly clocked! I love this tea page so much


When u read that Kylie said she has always been interested in the water and blah blah industry, I rolled my eyes so hard that it literally hurt. This is just sickening behavior by people who are already rich.  Do people have no shame at all after they reach a certain amount of money in their bank account?


I can only hope that that FDA comes for them😂


At this point, everyone is getting tired and annoyed


I'm so over the Kardashians/Jenners. Like seriously I wish they would just disappear


I purchased a glow drink once before because it was on sale but good to know I should actively avoid it now. There’s so many brands with the same benefits in their sparkling water so “revolutionizing the industry” is such a reach.


If the govt doesn't crack down on them, why crack down on any creator? Make an example of the worst of the worst


"The Kardashians are in trouble" Girl when are they NOT 😭😭


I know I've always been like this so I'll never get it but I just can't wrap my head around people seeing these clowns "buying" things and then needing those things for solely that reason idk wtf that is


I literally will NOT buy a single thing any of them own or indorse. Ever.


I love how the entire world wakes up every day and repeatedly seems SHOCKED that the KarJenners are engaging in illicit activities like this. The evidence has been staring us in the face for years, people! Time for us all to face reality - these are the greediest people alive - and set higher standards for ourselves in terms of who we give our attention to.


i love watching videos about celebs idgaf/know about 😭 give me the tea


Absolutely agreeing with you on ALO…. Bad quality garment with unflattering design but trying to be a premium version of LuLuLemon …. Now we know why because they pay all their R&D budget to the Kardashians