Thanks is small word for your work danish we are warriors with nice heart
I completely agree. I had the experience of a black shadow choking my neck, and that black shadow took the form of the narcissist. Later, as time passed, he actually choked my neck in reality, claiming it was just a joke. While living with him, I frequently experienced sleep paralysis, but after breaking up with him, it no longer happened. It was a spiritual battle. Living with a narcissist itself is a spiritual war. And my nervous system has been completely damaged, causing me to suffer for a very long time. I am currently in the process of healing. I am grateful that I survived.
My mother revealed this many years ago when I was a child. She awoke frozen except she could move her eyes. This really scared her! We had a difficult relationship for years. She does not know me, cannot love me, and initiated a smear campaign...I severed as I had to. She was the toxic parent. The matriarch narcissist. God intervened to rescue me out of that environment. I never understood until I was in my late 50's that this had a label "Narcissist" and then it all made sense. She pushed too far one day, underestimating me, and she lost me. The entire family lost me because they were her flying monkeys. I do not hate...
Wow Danish this makes all of the sense. I have never been able to rest even when I take something to help. Thank you for sharing this great information!
I remember numerous times sleeping next to my narcissist ex partner. And woken up from a deep sleep, unable to move, on my back and body held down by an evil entity. Lizard like in appearance with yellow eyes. I was unable to speak a word or scream out anything. It pinned my hands down with its long claw like nails. Eventually I managed to say the name Jesus and it just vanished. For many weeks after this encounter my hands burned where this demons nails had pushed into me. Now that I have escaped the narc and regained my life back, I am no longer being attacked by evil entities. I am now happy and free. Amen!
It happened to me when I was with the narc ex and calling on the name of Jesus in my head (because I couldn't speak), banished that evil away immediately!!
Oh, geez! This has been happening soooo badly to me! Not just the paralysis, but also me being under demonic attack, while in paralysis! I was hardly able to defend myself! I was trying to scream out Jesus' name the whole time, but being in paralysis, this was sooo hard! It always happened badly, as i was just drifting off to sleep! Such a nightmare! Thank you for your video! I had an AHA-effect! God bless! ❤
I used to have sleeping paralysis episodes very often, sometimes even multiple times in a night when I lived with my toxic parents. I even had hallucinations while waking up couple times. I haven't had any of these episodes for years now and my sleep finally improved few month ago when I blocked them everywhere
Thank you for your videos. I was together with a narcissist for 25years. Lost tears, lost work, lost effort. Lots of love to everybody ❤
Ufff my God . We spent whole lives and didn’t notice the fact what’s going on with us 😭 I can’t stop my tears. We humans aren’t safe anywhere 😔
I had this happen to me, even wrote an essay on Medium about it called "My Sleep Paralysis Experience." I can totally see the connection between SP and narc abuse.
I had this once, and I was only little. I realised I was dreaming and at first I was so happy, because it meant I could do anything I wanted. So I tested it out first, and I was stood outside my parents' bedroom door and in my imagination I said Superman would be behind it... but he wasn't there. My mother was there instead and she was a demon, and before I knew it she was squeezing me so I couldn't breathe. I tried my very hardest to wake up, and I kept getting flashes of my dark room in between being trapped in the dream, and she was laughing in my face because it knew I was trying to escape. Most terrifying thing I've ever experienced, awake or asleep, and I have been through some seriously messed up crap for which I got an official diagnosis of PTSD.
Thank you for helping people around the World,I am from Italy I had this for 1 year and bed moving also during the night. God is my guide I left all my life in his power now I am here after 20 years of tears and soffer is a war with the devil only God can fight for us pray and stay safe Amen🙏🏻🤍
I just thought of the name Jesus and called it out and the heaviness from the sleep paralysis went away.
You are a God-sent, Danish! Thank you, thank you, thank you. For most of my previous relationship with the narc ex I would be grinding my teeth so hard, that he would wake me up to tell me that I was grinding my teeth. He seemed genuinely concerned though but I knew I only experienced such when sleeping in an negatively infested house. He even suggested that I get a mouth guard😮. Of course I would have no knowledge of this while it was happening, but he would often wake me up to tell me that it sounded like something was holding me down in my sleep. One time we had such a bad argument where I ended up sleeping in the other room...lets just say that that was when it dawned on me that I was living with demonic entities...and I wasn't at all knowledgeable on such things...the horrors I saw in that bedroom ...the shadows...the irrational fear that loomed in the air. It was disgusting to say the least. I'm recovering from PTSD and the effects of abuse. He gaslit me, insulted me, devalued me. And then one day he looked me in the eye and said "You are too strong!" I was like "for what???" Now I get what he and his demons had been upto all along but failed. Nearly got me though.
The suffocating feeling of being choked due to spiritual control eventually manifests as real choking in reality. The suffering of the spirit inevitably appears as physical pain.
Hello ! Yes ! Me too I experienced many times this kind of nightmare: usually were properly my parents the "dark entities" in the dreams, and I always wanted to scream at them, but ALWAYS I wasn't able to make a minimum sound and I felt something blocking my voice in the throat.... Many many times I did this nightmare. Another frequent one was that one in which I felt like fall in the empty... Feeling properly the vertigos.... Everything stopped when I cut them out of my life.... Suddenly no more nightmares of any kind 🙏🙏🙏 Thanks God: I always been connected with him, praying to save me !!!
Thank you for this. I had many of these experiences when I was a child. To this day I have a sleeping disorder. I am on disability because of my sleeping difficulties. I grew up in an abusive household and was heavily bullied by my sisters and school mates. I unfortunately have been involved in abusive relationships as an adult. The entity that attacked me held me down I couldn't move or speak. The presence was dark black and blue kind of scaley with large yellow eyes and large claws and fangs. Other time just an immense overwhelming feeling of oppression
I had about two of them I remember being woke but couldn’t move at all I was so scared and I heard the demon breathing in my ear . I prayed and call out to God and I came out of it. The second time I was sleeping on my back and again I couldn’t move and it felt like something was crawling all over my face oh and I had another one were I felt like I was being beat up in my sleep I felt the pain and everything now I know it was all connected to my ex narcissistic boyfriend it’s been 6months now and I haven’t had any of those again I am closer to God who protects me and cover me .