Wait. Frieza held a grudge for 10 years!? That's a whole level of petty.
They Gave Dragon Ball’s Most Racist Character the N-word Pass 💀
This man invited himself to the cookout
Frieza trained for Four months to unlock gold and be on the level of the gods 10 years the gap is too insane now
Just wait till a long haired purple dude with a blue jacket with a sword comes up to him and screams "HEY FRIEZA"
They give Gohan the craziest Aura every time
Imagine frieza reveals he has had other forms before black because in ten years,It would make a lot of sense for him to find more than one transformation when golden took within 4 months
Frieza's back in black... and this man's probably gonna try and conquer the Multiverse. 💀
Broly's 'Full Power' Super Saiyan is also leagues above standard Super Saiyan, it forced Gogeta to go from Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan Blue after like 5 seconds of fighting.
The problem with how strong Frieza is relates to the fact that Frieza witnessed the fight between Gogeta and Broly, and he knows that Goku and Vegeta can fuse at any moment to fight against him. Despite this, Frieza spared them during the Granola saga and didn’t worry that they might still get stronger and achieve new forms. It’s no coincidence that Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and Broly have all reached new heights. To defeat Frieza, every power-up the Z team can offer will be needed (perhaps even Granola and Merus?). It’s also stated that during the time of the Granola saga, Black Frieza was almost as strong as a God of Destruction.
Those insane back abs on Frieza's hero landing 🤯
Tien would solo Black Frieza. 😂
Just remember, Frieza has a new mindset now ever since his second revival. He’s smart enough to admit his power isn’t quite at Beerus’s level yet, and I feel like that is definitely his end goal. So he’s probably also been training as well to make sure Goku, Vegeta, and the others don’t catch up
Frieza was like: If you can’t be them join them
This is why when you kill a villain ensure they stay dead
I have a theory that black frieza isn’t frieza’s final form. Toyoataru said that Frieza transformations are based on Credit cards 💳. Golden, Black,Titanium. So Frieza could be saving a Titanium form to fight Beerus 🤔. Also Frieza maybe be training with Og-73 or Cooler
Goku in UI was playing with Gohan and you know he was cause he noticed Broly getting excited by the fight.
Goku was Just testing Gohan
“Keep up with gohan” bro literally got rag dolled by gohan💀