
My 2br in dartford, kent is 1800, without bills. I don't even want t be depressed now listing all the expenses including car insurance et all.


Rise in economy is world wide.  In  Zim people earn  100usd -400 averagely per month. Bread is $1 usd  per loaf.  Pay rent, water bill and electricity. Parents pay school fees for their children.
This guy should take up a 2nd job to cover expenses. I did that in the 90s. I worked two nights at weekends  to pay my bills cos I had a mortgage and insurance to pay every  month. Life is not easy irrespective of which decade  you live in. God sustained me and now I'm retired from the medical profession.. Tochi, I definitely agree with you about a car. Stay blessed.


Tochi, to be honest with you it's a global thing. People are really suffering. Shops keep adding to prices of goods and services in a skyrocketing manner, meanwhile take home pay do not take people home in this era of global inflation run by governments and financial cartels.


It's true what I am reading in the comments here about life being expensive everywhere. I decined to renew my apartment lease and now sleep at a homeless shelter where I don't pay nothing. I work at a restaurant 7 days a week and my meals are free. I ride the bus to work. I have been saving my money and have just completed the construction of rental apartments in Nairobi Kenya. The West was not meant for people to be rich, if you chase fortunes in London, New York, Sydney etc you will wake up one day with nothing but old age and physical problems and nothing in your pocket.


The cost of living is affecting the British people,  it’s a total nightmare we are a pensioners worked all our life and still working to make ends met. 😢🇬🇧🇯🇲


Tochi, it's not easy now! It's by God's grace that we are surviving now! Working to only pay bills! Not what I thought at all! 
You could see this by merely walking along the road seeing the mood of migrants.
What do say about a family where one person is working? And because of child care the other spouse is held down?
May God deliver his own
I am interested in the side hustles please. Your insights will be highly appreciated.


I cannot imagine Whatever happened in 2019/2020 that we have dealt with unprecedented high inflation and economic woes 😢.


As a white uk man I feel like a lot of immigrants think they will move here and be able to get any job etc but don’t realise it’s hard work


Weldone Tochi, pls i need suggestions of a side hustle.

Thanks for all u do


I stay in scotland and a 2 bed apartment with my family. House rent was 475 and i earn 2500 a month. I was lucky because my work is just 15mins work. My wife work is just 5mins work. We save more than 2k a month. Please stay away from expensive area


Life if Nigeria is tough and gets more and more expensive, still a shortage of electricity, instability, safety issues, subpar healthcare and education... Those who cry out in Britain can fly back and work for naira


They can come back to Nigeria,or anywhere in Africa... everything is good here😅😅😅😅😅😅


Hi Tochi, thank you so much for your inspiring video , am on a skilled visa and thinking of a side hustle but I dnt know if its legal for me to start a business on a skill visa.


Scary is understatement. just got slapped with a 15% rent increase from the landlord. If you are not in a coupled relationship its a heavy huge expenses. The salary is not rising but the bills keep rising and no help from govt for migrant. Tough times


We work only to survive not get ahead in life. We work our lives away for nothing. It's not right.


The major issue is that people can’t seem to want to cut their coat accordingly to there cloth..how can you be single and leaving in a 2 bedroom..what r you doing in London, move to Wales, Scotland Leeds, Manchester, move Birmingham rents are way cheaper and with job opportunities…cost of leaving is high but you have to use your HQ


Avoid london they say but everyone cant live outsde london, besides some of us have our COS (contracts ) in london. I guess we have to start looking for sponsorship all over again outside london😂 everybody will be fine last last .


All out bills are about to treble in 2 weeks time and cost of food may double, it's to much to soon 😮


Why is he living in a 2bed house if he doesn't have a family?