
Eggs, telekinesis, walking through walls, super powers, angel women in space...gone off the deep end


Once again, the UFO cottage industry must continuously evolve to maintain interest and survive.


Remember, this is the guy who just five or six months ago had a guest on his abduction podcast who said he took a photograph, the very first photograph ever made, of the inside of a UFO, while he was being abducted. That photo turned out to be a very blurry image of a radio tower just a couple miles down from Streiber's house.


He got the power to sell books


Strieber has always struck me as sketchy.  I was already in the subject when Communion came out, and I was mesmerized by the account.  Ever since, though, I've grown increasingly skeptical.  Still, it doesn't hurt me in any way to listen.  Data is data


Credibility? Same guy who thinks the dust in his room is, eh-hem, orbs. Just sayin'


my mama has a wart on her neck that speaks chinese.


Strieber  seems like a nice guy who invented a story for a book and now has to maintain the fiction to sell more books.


9:02 “When you read the new book…” There it is ladies and gentleman. That's what this is all about. Homeboy is on a press run. 
This guy always struck me as dishonest. Don't ignore that sixth sense telling you exactly what type of person you’re looking at. Even if you want to believe the opposite.


As a healthcare worker who is very familiar with CTs, I can say the CT shown appears to show a subepidermal calcified nodule.  This is just a benign “mass” we see from time to time.  It does not appear to be metallic from the CT since there is no artifact seen.


He's a chronic conflabulator of confusing stories that precede a new book or appearance he's promoting.


The implant is like: I like to move it, move it.  I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. 🎵


So, I was definitely implanted with a device. When I tried to have it removed, the implant jumped out of the incision got up closed the door to the O.R and then proceeded to beat the ** out of the surgeon. Everyone that was in the room was just beside themselves. The implant then climbed back into my incision, and they sewed it back up....I never brought it back up again until now.


In the end we all need (scientific) prove over extraordinary claims


This isn't a reveal of new info. He has said the same thing since communion. When I was 10 the cover of communion stopped me in my tracts and made me cry. Other people have seen that face too? As an experiencer my whole life Whitley is one of the reasons I have known what my "crazy dreams" are about. Some of us don't need disclosure because we know the answer to that, we are not alone, we never have been alone.


Brilliant, I haven't even watched this video yet and I am already excited here in the UK , Loving this channel


We are being flooded lately with endless amounts of stories that don’t align with one another. I’ve been following this since the 90’s and so much garbage is coming out lately that doesn’t align with decades and decades of research. I never usually get burnt out but these last couple of weeks has been a flood of BS


I had an abcess in my mouth and I needed an MRI.

So right when my head goes into the MRI machine it stops, gets shut off. The Doctor and Nurse double check if i have any jewelry or piercings. I didnt. So they try a 2nd time, and the same thing happened. Shut off the machine. The Doctor and Nurse look weirded out and have a little conversation between each other. They made some kind of adjustment to the MRI machine and try a 3rd time. They were able to run the full scan. Do I know there is an implant. I didnt try to look at anything except the abcess on my gum near my molar. I have had many UFO experiences, including abductions. Starts when I wake up during sleep paralysis and im floating right up to the ceiling. Its hard to remember exactly what happens, but I have enough bits and pieces from several events to put together the puzzle. I have woken up like 6 times during these events. Could be alot more and I just didnt wake up. Special Abilites ? No, its a tracking chip in my opinion. Like you put in your dog.


If the aliens put it in him I'm pretty sure that it would be nano tech, not some large bit of shrapnel! 🤣 I've played sports for years have tons of lumpe and bumps... I've got a lump of graphite in my knee from when I was a kid and fell on a pencil!


Hell yeah!
#Vetted is my jam.  Thank you for your opinions and daily videos of news!