Who else binge watching comicstorian videos after his passing?
We all miss you Benny. Live Long And Prosper in all of our memories🖖🏾 R.I.P
Hearing Benny just happily rambling while genuinely happy we watched him shows how awesome of a guy he was. r.i.p. Benny.
REST IN PARADISE, Benny. Still can't believe he's gone. Seriously. It fcks me up everytime I hear his voice. Especially Batman and Wolverine's.
Miss you Benny. It was a wonderful experience to see you again.R. I.P.
I have been hoping for longer vids as it is, I'd absolutely watch/listen to an 8 hour one. I use them for the background of almost everything I do.
Yeah 8 hours would be np love these videos have them playing as I write. Also I have no night mares when I fall asleep to theses which is strange and my ptsd & anxiety seems to fade away if listening during the day. Keep up the good work
I love these characters and Phil Noto. And Comicstorian. These channels have helped me catch up on sooooooooooooooooo many different comics and I’m so grateful.
Rest in peace Benny 🕊️🕊️🖤🙏
Read this story way back in the day. I loved it then and I’m thrilled there’s now a full story video! Love the channel!
I'd stick around for any number of your comic readings of the xmen, deadpool, and other marvel content. The DC stuff seems to be best enjoyed as animations recently...
This was awesome! Also, yes. I would stick around for 8hrs of Deadpool and Wolverine comics 😎
I played civ 6 for the majority of this and find your excited rambling very entertaining. It's nice when people care about their art so much that they plow through it without thinking if someone is going to care in that moment. Just doing it is the most worthwhile thing that comes in my writing, and it's clear you are doing this because of your love for these stories, and the love of sharing them. I'm happy with you and for you. Stay on good sir.
I don't care hiw much i re-watch these imma always love em R.I.P Benny
I've have watched this video at least four times from beginning to end,love your videos...
I realize that Hamill is the numer 1 Joker voice, and Ryan Reynolds is the perfect Deadpool...but ever since coming aross this guy actually not that long ago....whenever i see a Deadpool or Joker comic, his voice is what i hear. Lol. Im sorry i wasnt able to enjoy as a fan in real time even longer, R.I.P.
Out of all comic YouTubes, i like yours best! Just letting you know.
3 sentient brains and a sentient nervous system. -Fantomex
The idea that benny will never see deadpool and wolverine is so sad and final to me Rip benny, god knows you are explaining comics where ever you are