
This is a genuine reaction from a mother in mourning.  My heart is broken for her.


When one mother cries we all cry! Thus is utterly heartbreaking 💔 😢


Mom's cry riped my heart, I wish I could hug her. Parents' lives are shattered forever.


Wow! I am heartbroken over the pain that this mother was feeling.  I do business with mostly Indian people. They are very tight knit families and I see adoring love for their children. They also are some of nicest people I have ever met. My prayers are with these parents.


To see your baby grow and blossom and never hold her again is so painful.


Dear Jesus…we ask for this young lady to be found and that you surround these parents with a peace that only you can give Lord. We pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…praise you Lord. Always praying


She's 100% in our prayers 🙏🏻


Jesus! This hurts. To hear her mom cry hits hard. Special prayers for her parents. 🙏🏼


The mom bro!!! 😭 omg that just broke me down to my core. Nothing more heartbreaking than hearing a mother’s cry.


Her moms cry and her dad trying to keep his composure is heart breaking


Her mama is breaking my heart 😢


Breaks my heart that her poor parents never got the chance to say goodbye and give her one last hug.  Prayers for them.  They will never be the same.


I lost it when the mom started crying💔😭. Praying that their daughter is found.


Saddest thing I Have seen in a very long time to watch this Father try to console his broken wife and still maintain composure. God bless them


As a mom...I am crying with her right now because her pain is excruciating.  I wish I could hold her. Brokenhearted.


To all the young people out there please please please use this heartbreaking moment as a lesson to be so so vigilant in this time especially when travelling. To all people who consider themselves someone’s friend be there friend and stick together yes people have free will but watch out for one another I know being young and wanting to have fun is real but be safe be smart use common sense no family should have to feel this pain Prayers for your beautiful daughter ❤🙏🏼


The mom TOOK ME OUT MAN 😢😢


I know everyone grieves differently, but this is a hunble cry of a mother in need of help. I pray and hope she finds her daughter safe. She is truly loved!!


I don’t even know her but when the mom stepped away and cried, I shed tears too, prayers to the family🙏🏾


Lighting candles and saying prayers for Sudiksha in Tennessee. So sorry for this young woman and her family.