
Wait until you tell a film photographer that their scans are subjectively inverted by a technician and their scans aren’t even an accurate representation of the film anyway


How you define editing is pretty important in the argument though. Shooting raw does basically means you do need to 'edit' the file, but if its just contrast, saturation, sharpness and whatever a camera would've just baked into a jpg, does that count? One pet peeve of mine is when people post their objectively meh photos and proudly exclaim 'no filter!'...as if their iphone with a vivid color profile didn't do exactly what the photographer who edited their raw file would've done. Old man yelling at cloud rant over lol. Having said that though, I agree that we should all just be friends and appreciate both minimalistic images as well as the hardcore artistically processed ones.


This is the best view of the editedVSstraight fight. Easily it depends on too many factors! By the way, u r doing great!


If I could without editing that would be awesome. But I’m not as confident in my ability as a photographer yet. Hopefully soon. I love the idea of just beautiful black and white photography straight out of camera


I.... I started photography because my main interest was editing... 🥹


I'm all for editing but not when photographers add things in the picture that werent even there originally, like adding a moon or fake sky.


Try to do a weeding without editing photos xD


thank you for this tips!💪🏻


Not if you just take good photos


I love seeing what I can do with editing


I like editing my photos only to enhance whatever I took; but I strongly disagree with those “compositing” multi layers putting things on top or replacing skies and adding stars etc 😂


Great tips!


what's your thoughts on this?


Well there should be some editing at the end somehow, because it is 50% of the photo, imagine getting only RAW files? So if not post processing by you then remember it is by the device itself, at the end it is a JPEG/JPG extension 🤷🏻‍♂️


LOL what a crime - we should do what we like to do !


What camera do you use for recording yourself?


Surely the skill in photography is getting it right sooc? Anything post is correct mistakes and prettyfying.


If you shoot RAW and don’t edit your photos………………….


I love your accent