
not dylan forgetting that an ANIMATED DISNEY PRINCESS MOVIE was a musical lmfao


I cannot believe Dylan wrote three better  Moana stories in this video than disney did with this movie.


Dylan watching the musical version of Moana last time: SINGING ALONG
Dylan confused hearing a song in Moana 2: "Is this a musical?"


"I just heard Australian to the max" it was a New Zealand accent 😭


3:51 Every time you say Mondo I just picture Brad Mondo navigating the sea with Moana whilst fangirling over her hair 😂😂


Dylan forgetting Maui’s name, that it was a musical, and the overall plot but not the annoying coconuts is the funniest thing ever 😂


Dylan is so good at pointing out how the story’s writing can be better. He should be an author one day


If I had a nickel for every time that Dylan began a movie commentary happy and excited only to slowly lose said joy, excitement and sanity as the movie progresses… I’d have a lot of nickels


dylan explaining how he wanted the sisters to get seperated for like a decade and when the younger one comes back she's lowkey evil is literally just the plot of arcane😭


Dylan knows so much about story arcs... he should write a book


1:45 dylan remembering the first one enough to know he liked it but not enough to remember it's a musical.. the most troublemaker move ive ever seen


“Mondo” for “Maui” is driving me crazy 😂 I love how all Dylan remembers from the first one is that he liked it, and almost nothing else, lol


the joy i felt when i saw this notification. i love mondays!!


I found Moana's ego to be huge in this movie. Almost every other song was about her being the best wayfinder ever, and almost every interaction she had with a villager, including her family, they would tell her she's the best wayfinder ever in existence. How do they know??? Google wasn't invented yet. 

I was also disappointed that Maui's tattoos came back right away. I feel like the 3rd movie could have been about Maui spending some time as a human while Moana is learning to be a demi-god, and maybe somehow he gets his tattoos back later.


3:15 as an animation student and amateur animator, you're absolutely right, it would've been much easier not to do that, it's an insane amount of work that goes into the little details to make something feel real, thank you for recognizing and appreciating it


I'm proud to report that I'm now immune to Dylan's ad transitions. The moment he said canoes weren't the most efficient I knew an ad was a foot.


3:19  as an animator, i am so happy to see you noticing the little details in it, our hard work is being recognized😭


this movie feels so incomplete because it was originally submitted to be a series on Disney+, which was being worked on at Disney's Vancouver HQ thats why it looks sort of different. Last second Disney decided to change the series into a theatrical release. This caused the team to scramble. The company ruined this film and i feel so bad for the team who had to work day and night trying to get this out on time.


Dylan has such good character development ideas. I hope we’ll see that in his book.


That first two and a half minutes of this were so fast and aggressive lmao. But honestly though I love when I watch a movie and think “it was okay” but not really think about it, and then Dylan makes a commentary and perfectly articulates why it wasn’t great. Everything he said made perfect sense for this one