
Now THIS is Luke!!!!! I'd pay to see a series with THIS Luke!!!


Basically why us Luke fans got so p*ssed at TLJ, lol. "What were you expecting? Me to come back and defeat the First Order with only my lazer sword?" - Freaking, yes!


Honestly, Luke was always powerful in the EU, even before he became Grand Master of the order. I remember in Dark Empire, he collapsed an imperial walker with a gesture and he had just become a Jedi Master by that point.


Legend Era Luke is the Luke we all deserved...damn you Disney


Shatterpoint was also a specialty of his great grandson Cade Skywalker, who was so proficient in it; he could both destroy and heal using the  shatterpoints.


The thing about Legends Luke was, he got progressively more powerful. Episode Six Luke wouldn't be able to do the things Dark Empire Luke did. Dark Empire Luke couldn't do what Black Fleet Crisis Luke could do. Then in the Hand of Thrawn, Mara helps him realize he's flexing his power so much. He wasn't hearing the guidance of The Force. He toned it down just to became more balanced and wise. In time for the Vong invasion. In that war he became even more powerful. But Vong Luke couldn't do what New Jedi Order Luke could do. 
Forty years of his life just to become OP enough. He willed himself back into existence when the raw power of a Force Monolith vaporized him.


Luke's greatest ability is force oneness. He became a force god. Beating Abeloth, Lumiya, and Palpatine are proof.


For myself, Luke's greatest powers have always been his kindness, compassion, and sheer generosity.  His belief that Dark-side users can be redeemed, and returned to the Light. (Before Luke turned his father back, had any of the Jedi ever even tried?) Changing people's hearts and lives, beats manipulating a black hole any day.


In my opinion, Legends is the true time line not this BS that Disney created. Luke is certainly beyond badass when it came down to Force and lightsaber proficiency. He basically achieved the power of a Force spirit in mortal form. If it was up to me, I would have had Luke portrayed in a different light in the newer films with a major influences from Legends that certainly would have pleased fans more. Thanks for sharing, have a Wicked Force day. Be safe.😁👍👽👽🤓


I love hearing about Grandmaster Luke Skywalker.  I'd also like to hear about the powers, feats and abilities of other legends characters if possible.  Such as Mara Jade, Lumiya, Kyle Katarn, and Leia.  And no need to keep it limited to force users are there any crazy feats that Wedge Antilles or Han Solo or Talon Karrde has done that we don't know about?


The legends is quite clear that Luke is an OP Force user. There’s a scene in Shadows of the Empire where Vader says he doubts that Luke’s growth in the force could be stopped after learning about some of his feats during that book…and that’s after his few months of training with Yoda on Dagobah. It stands to reason, therefore, that this development would continue posthaste as the Galaxy calms down for him with the Sith dead and him having a bit more time to find new students and materials to study.


Thank you for this one.. It meant SO much hear someone talk about MY Luke Skywalker after years of watching Disney's doppelganger.. It brought back me and my 2 closest friends ( whom we shared and passionately read with one another) rushing through the book so we could pass it to the next so we could set up till 2-3 in the morning talking about them.. 
Thank you for making this one remember and feel that again


Loved seeing “Force Crush” on the dark troopers.  That was epic!


If only Disney had never touched Star Wars...


This OG Luke is the one and ONLY Luke: the one I grew up with.  He fought a returned Palpatine that can summon wormholes and Force Storms, fought Abeloth and lived, held a black hole, spanked the Lady of the Sith, and many other feats.  This Disney Star War Luke is just a terrible mockery of a legacy.


Indeed the most powerful Jedi to have ever lived


If you only knew the POWER of Legends Grandmaster Luke Skywalker


Watching this just makes me more abrasive towards 7,8,9...the possibilities were endless for Luke and the way they'd finish the Skywalker saga...but hey we're only the paying fanatics who kept star wars alive all these years what do we know🙈🙉🙊




I think that Luke kinda disregarded the traditional jedi teachings and embraced a balanced grey jedi stance. Giving him abilities on both sides without the light or dark extremes giving him more power and he clearly showed that. Honestly with the massive achievements it made Yoda and mace windu look like younglings. Truly impressive