
This is Episode 3 of Bigmask!
In case you missed previous episodes, here they are:
Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qlt948xkS8
Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgjcrh9aJs4


I like how Big Mask's entire power is to grow in size and... every villain AND hero is the same size as him making him... basically a normal guy in the superhero/supervillian world.


(Becomes a villain to get free therapy only to get thrown into space instead)


Face melter: melt faces, throw people to space, kill villains.

Big Mask: The power of therapy and empathy.


Glad to know he managed to maintain contact and friendship with Robert


Face Melter has blown up the Aliens' planet... He is the reason for the cataclysm Big Mask blames himself for not preventing. In retrospect, Face Melter of all the characters is the least deserving of Big Mask's forgiveness, being a literal source of his guilt complex. And yet.


I have a feeling the first villain just wanted a Big Mask therapy session and didn’t expect Facemelter to interrupt it


Normally by the second sequel, projects like these start going stale.
Not you, Mattias, your work has just been getting better and better. Fantastic job.


After getting to know Bigmask after all this time, there was no bigger mic drop moment than when Bigmask actually starts using his words to overtly point out your flaws instead of letting you get there yourself.


I love the last few seconds of the skit. The fact that big mask is so shaken by facemelter that he thinks he needs to give up his mask for someone else to be a hero... they really got to him. 
At least he has time to get a degree now.


I hope Robert does a good job protecting the city while Big Mask takes a much needed break


1:40 "face melter" is one of the most peculiar names you could have, superhero throwing villains into space sounds like an experience of a lifetime


I love that big mask learned to use how he treated Robert originally as a new tactic to fight if he really needs to. He's learned to use words to heal and words to hurt!


The thing about Facemelter's 'monster' label is that it feels like it could cause a negative spiral of thought in enemies. People call them monsters no matter what they do so they start to act like monsters.


I like how Face Melter casually admitted to killing an entire race of aliens and was still tryna pretend he the good guy 💀


It is pretty funny that the only person Bigmask was actually physically assaulted by was someone who was supposed to be on his side and helping others. It shows that some people help others only because of the power trip, and how little those people care for the humanity of those they help


Is the implication that the planet that bigmask went to wasn't actually destroyed by his inaction but because they sent out multiple masks, one of which found its way to facemelter, who, without a thought, destroyed the civilization of big mask aliens? It would explain their similar backstories.


It's like when the true villain kills the old villain to cement how strong they are.


2:27 bro just dropped a bomb that he was the dude who killed all the aliens.
Bruh. The lore. I did not expect that out of this series.


He gets his face melted and keeps talking. He keeps to his ideals and does what he can in his own way. He is Big Mask, and he deserves to be happy too.