23:00 In Japan, hugging someone is almost exclusively a romantic gesture. And a big one at that. The localizers could have done a better job conveying that. “Stand there” carries a pretty negative connotation in English, so it probably should have said something like “Stay” or “Talk Rise through it”.
It’s getting harder to predict what you’re going to do next.
Hearing the raw emotion in your voice when talking about Naoki just got me man. Truly one of your best segments right there
I didn't think about Naoki being close to Schaff before Number 1 dropped, but damn. That number 1 was the best one he's done so far. The emotional connection was... Really great. And you can just tell from his voice that he truly relates to Naoki because of what happened. We love you, Schaff.
I find it funny that despite being objectively awful, everyone does the Nurse social link. Simply because there is nothing to do in the evenings otherwise.
I feel like the reason Yukiko is so untalked about is because she's just kinda... normal Chie is an aggressive tomboy Rise is an idol Naoto is a detective Yukiko is just kinda a normal high schooler, which honestly to me is a lot of her charm
I realized during Number 3 that Number 1 was gonna be either Nanako or some other social link, and realized "wait, the Hanged Man??? Why?" But when you said "it's the story I needed in my life right now", that's when I remembered what happened. Keep being you man. I'm sorry for what happened, but you got this.
never clicked a Schaff video so fast
I think I realised why Naoki was your number 1 about halfway through the section, I teared up a bit when you let yourself vent a little bit. I've never once dealt with grief in my life, but I have had shitty things happen to me. And the example you set of still being able to live your life how you want to despite horrid things happening helps to keep me personally grounded. I'm not gonna pretend I think about you on a regular basis or anything, but the times I'm reminded about you. Well it helps. Also best girl is Chie fuck you fight me
I really like how Kanji's Social Link deals with toxic masculinity and the pressure that social norms place on young men to avoid anything so-called "feminine" like it's the plague since it will somehow make them less of a man.
Naoki's social link will always emotionally devastate me, i don't think i've seen cream puffs the same ever since his rank 7
Nanako and Dojima’s social links were my favourite. It works because you’re living with them. It’s why Sojiro’s in persona 5 was also one of my favourites. The fact that you’re living with them and you’re making an actual relationship. No longer just a stranger but family
The moment you talked about the social link about a boy losing a sister and trying to handle his process of grief at his own way, besides the judgment of other people.... I immediately knew where this was coming
The lengths Schaff is using to avoid Megamind Rules season 2 are hilarious.
It broke me the first time you go back home and Nanako and Dojima were both gone.
43:48 I think Adachi hid that coin in the MC’s pocket exactly in order to use that trick
"Why is Schaff talking about Naoki like t-Oh....."
He’s in his “I’ll rank random stuff for no reason” arc, and I’m all for it
Yukiko is just the most "I just think she's neat." I like a lot of her bizarre interests and her bit about playing the trumpet is the best comedic note in the whole game