Mcfarlane toys is getting better love the wired capes and the the face sculpts but man we need to start getting better articulation and pin less joints
A MacFarlane toys buddy I love it
I realized the tongue on mine is not painted
I can’t wait for the Superman 2025 movie figures!
Just got mine today have both regular and platinum. Awesome figure this one of my most anticipated characters from DC glad to have both versions and can’t wait to see him in the new Superman movie
I want more more more ... Ice. Liberty Belle. Celsius. Tempest...
Awesome 🤩
This is one of the very rare ocassions where the legacy character was better than the original. This version is the blink and you miss it New 52 costume mainly. That is: red mask and no jacket with Fair Play tattoos. There´s also a version where he does wear the red mask and jacket and that´s on DARK NIGHTS METAL. Still, I don´t get why McFarlane has to always make the version most people want the the Platinum. And in this case doesn´t even make sense because with the face plates he could have had one with the black mask. PS As for another great black character I really hope McFarlane makes Bloodwynd.
Good accessories I have no idea who he is lol Great review 👍🤘
Why can't Superman figures have this kind of face sculpt? These are so much better ...
Jacket is too big, looks better without it