
I think I have all of these, ugh! I have work to do 😢😅😂😊


Dang 5/6😢. I’m working on strengthening them though .


Not anymore, I will never abandon my self anymore. Me and myself must be together.


Thank you for a great list of signs that your boundaries are weak. Spot on!❤


If you're struggling with a narcissistic partner, remember that you're not alone. Leave a comment below to connect with others, and grab your free download at https://www.commonego.com/checklist


Thank you👍👍👍👍


Sadly need to work on my boundaries


Something g to consider is this flashing every second was too much. It took away from the points.




I don't relate to any of these. So I'm good.


@commonego  Do you have an online group suggestion?