
Everyone,the darkstar is at Palmdale airport ONLY on FLR24.Not on google maps
Song name:Death is no more
The plane is a darkstar🙄


We Leaked it for War Thunder : ❌
We Leaked it For The World     : ✅


Lockheed engineers and personnel stationed at Groom Lake are crying with laughter rn


Fun fact

SR-72 Darkstar was so convincing the Chinese government sent a spy satellite to spy at it.


We trolling the chinese with this one 🗣🗣🗣


The SR72 DARK STAR ✨☠️


Lockheed just trolling Chinese satellites


Bro drooling over the top gun 2 plane meanwhile that sussy 737 with extra canard just chilling 💀


1000+ missed calls from area 51💀


Thats why you never leave two adoult sr 71 blackbirds alone


Skunkworks: We do a minuscule amount of tomfoolery


That Lockheed employee be laughing at his joke


Imagine pulling up here and hearing the SR-71 say"Witness the glory of JETFIRE"😂😂


Probably a movie set for Top Gun that was left there for display


For those who don’t know, that aircraft at the end was called the darkstar and in the movie top gun 2 went Mach 10=7500kmh


I saw a b-17 too that’s cool!


Me when bro randomly finds a darkstar


You found the real sr-72 dark star😂


Chinese goverment: Write that down! Write that down!


He found two SR-71 blackbirds and a U-2 spy plane and a 747 sp and a US B-52 bomber and a HJG Boeing 747-500