
Very nice! I like the look of the lettuce hem, but still a little intimidated to take apart/adjust my overlocker and its tension settings. I also hope the beautiful blue striped top you're wearing will be a future-released sewing pattern, because I know many of us (including myself) would definitely purchase it!


Hi Solana can you do a sew along for the strapless yellow twist front top please
I thought it was lovely x


Thanks for sharing this video


Beautiful! But I can’t seem to access the site 😢, could you do another video for drafting the patterns? Would appreciate it🧡. New sub by the way!🎉


hi ann-sophie! i cant wait to get this pattern and try making the pj set :) i was wondering how many meters of fabric are needed for this project? cheers from germany! ❤


Hi Ann Sophie! I cut out the patterns, but the sides of the front and back of the pants do not line up. I don’t see that in de video so I think something went wrong. I followed the directions and lined the patterns out very carefully. Any ideas? Should they line up? Thank you! 🥰


Is there an alternative if we don't have an overlock machine? :)


how much fabric do you need