I’ve watched this movie before and remember none of it. Man of recaps is spot on, I must have slipped into a coma during it! Thank goodness for MoR
Watching the Secrets of Dumbledore tonight. I needed this, could not remember a thing about this movie This helped a lot!
First time I actually was able to follow the plot, much appreciated
As an avid watcher of this channel "he sends his dirty bedsheets to cover Paris" is definitely top 5 funniest lines 👍🏾🤣😂
I totally forgot the enitre plot of Crimes of Grindelwald. I think you did us all a solid by actually watching through this movie and giving us a recap
Great recap, honestly surprised you didn't mention how Mcgonagall was negative years old in the movie
I haven’t watched one of these in a minute since I’m not the biggest Walking Dead fan, but man just putting this video on instantly put me in a better mood. Love this guy, love this channel. Great recap as always!
I remember watching this in theaters and was confused af. This recap actually made things make a little bit of sense. Also "but now he must face a new type of Fantastic Beast. A girl!" LOL
im watching ecrets of dumbledoor tomorrow and i would've been lost if it werent for you - thank you awesome dude!
Thank you!! I've tried about 3 times to understand what the heck went on in this movie. You made it make sense...mostly ;P thank you kindly, sir!
I’m at the theater about to watch the third installment. Excellent and funny recap
Wow thanks I've been waiting for this! Me and my friends are going to watch the Secrets of Dumbledore next week but I kinda forgot what happened in the second movie so I had to watch a recap. I remember the first time I've watched it and it was so confusing, especially the ending.
Wowww! Thank you so much for this movie recap- Years after watching the movie this was a fantastic and surprisingly hilarious video! Keep up the great work<3333
"...this is the scene where you finally fell asleep..." - 4:37 - Best line ever 🤣😂
Thanks for making me realize i still hadn’t seen the 2nd one. I paused midway to stop and go watch it lol
The costumes and production values look good! Too bad the story is a hot mess. Thanks for the recap. :_green:
"but because he's an awkward guy stuck in a poorly written movie he can't come out and say it" You never miss lmao.
All the moments when you say “this is where you fell asleep” were EXACTLY when I fell asleep. Second attempt trying to watch this movie…I’ll settle for your recap. Thank you.
LOL. This is the funniest recap. I just wanted a recap because I wanted to watch the next Fantastic Beast series on netflix. But your commentary is so good.