
here is a letterboxd list featuring the geek chic style https://letterboxd.com/moderngurlz/list/geek-chic-a-study-of-style/ (i'll add to it when i can)
and a pinterest board for some style inspiration! https://www.pinterest.com/moderngurlz/a-study-of-style/geek-chic/


So glad that my bad eyesight has come back into fashion


I love that Geek Chic is coming back into fashion. Many sitcoms and films of the 80's or 90's depicted geeks as being undesirable or dorky, but I'm glad that more people are understanding that it's cool to be smart. Also, the nerdy girl usually gets to keep her glasses, and isn't made over at all, which is refreshing to see.


I agree, I’m tired of labeling every aesthetic a “core” or “girl”


Not specifically fashion-related, but as an autistic person I'm glad you delved into the history of how geeks are viewed in the mainstream because many of the traits people have used to describe 'geeks' and 'nerds' also apply to autistic people who likely fell into that category. We are often made fun of due to our special interests and therefore given those labels, and are often pressured to suppress our enjoyment and even our styles to fit a societal norm. The fashion associated with it may go in and out of style for neurotypicals, but we've been around long before it was considered cool and we'll be around long after. Would recommend reading Unmasking Autism for more, as it covers similar territory.


Geek Chic isn’t back, it never left!


Idk how I feel that I've been dressing this way unironically my whole life. I had no idea there was a name for it, and that it was popular.


My thrift addiction has netted me a considerable sweater vest collection. I'm finally ahead of a curve 😂


What I enjoy the most about this style is it inherently does not pander to the male gaze AT ALL. I’m noticing that lately with trends.


Okay but "Casual Bayonetta" is my new favorite phrase. Hearing it actually made me guffaw out loud at work.


“Neo-Nerd” just sounds really cool!


I was waiting for you to bring up the geek backpack rapper era in the 2010s! It mixed hip hop culture with geek chic with hipsterisms. It’s a style that was sported by so many black celebrities— catapulting polo, Tommy H, and Coach to popularity among younger people. It could be argued Kanye West was the originator, but OutKast also had a role with reclaiming the dandy look.


I'm so glad you covered the difference between geek and nerd 😂


Geek chic is an answer to whatever is happening right now in fashion, which is an obsession with perfection, glamour, and excessive glitter. Miuccia is truly a pioneer in this 'ugly chic' field.


As someone who had to deal with comments about wearing glasses to the point where people would snatch my frames (although that stopped for a while) and the irony was that the bully-in-chief would land up in glasses during exams, I have mixed feelings about geek chic. I mean, it can be great when mixed with dark academia.


So basically half of the population should be popular now as everyone is looking like this in everyday life


I love that your sponsored ad part is actually a fashion look book. I enjoyed watching the outfits you put together and didn't skip the ad.


This is interesting to me, as someone who does not participate in fashion culture (as in, I wear what I do regardless of it being "fashionable," "expensive," "trendy," etc.). I gravitate to basics that fit and feel comfy. Lately with the weather finally getting cold where I live, I usually grab a cardigan rather than a jacket or hoodie. I also have to wear glasses (contacts often cause troubles) and at work I have to tie up my hair. Maybe I'm slipping into that librairian look, but I vibe with it! It's comfy, it's natural for me, and it looks nice without being too dressy or effortful. I'm 100% down for geeky office wear inspiration to come back.


We appreciate how well you've articulated your insights. Keep working hard.


So funny I was this nerdy girl my entire life, got bullied by girls and guys for wearing huge glasses because of my bad eye sight and now it's a trend. Wow, people are hypocrites.