
Don't let frustration with barre chords rob your enjoyment of the guitar! Here are some great substitutes that I use all the time!
You can get download these voicings and a bunch more (link in the description)
Enjoy :)


Barre chords can be difficult for beginner players but also for players who are 70 with arthritis and nerve damage. Thanks, Darrell, these are helpful.


I've been playing Barre chords for 45 years+, but these substitutions sound amazing!


7:26  I’ve played bar chords for years, but this is the first time I’ve seen this.  More tips/ lessons like this please.


IM an old guy(78) & I try those barre chords, but they kill! These are so cool, beautiful chords. Thanks Darrell!


It's called the 90's open chords. Want a 90's song play this. These are 30 year old techniques lost through time but it's cool you're bringing the chords back so people can hear them. People will probably create some cool stuff because of this video. You rock man


Been using those voicings in various styles... R&B, Gospel, Pop, etc. Discovered them decades ago with groups like America, Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young... Cat Stevens used them frequently. 
Great flavor!


I have a gimpy finger on my left hand and basically play with 3 fingers. This lesson is so incredibly useful for me. Opens up a lot for me. Bar chords have always been nearly impossible.


Add a capo to change keys, and you're all set!  Thanks, Darrell!


wow.  Really useful Darrell!  Thanks so much!  UPDATE: I just picked up the guitar and tried these, and initially they were more difficult for me than barring the chords...since I've been playing barre chords for about 6 decades, but this was a new shape for me.  Found that if I moved my thumb to the center of the back of the neck I could arch my wrist enough to get my fingers (or was it my palm?) away from the high E string so it could ring out.  I will always take a chord with open strings over one that is fully fretted, and these sounded great.  Old dogs can learn new tricks!


Whew!  Great advice, Darrell.  You've saved my 76 year old fingers!


I was taught barre chords on an acoustic guitar. When I see how much difficulty some have with it, I’m glad I did.


We love your lessons Darrell, there should be more of them! Any chance you could do a D tuned chugging lesson, you often use the technique when you demo guitars and it rocks!! Thanks for you brilliant work.


Thanks for the lesson Darrell! Cheers!


Thank you for this video, Darrell. I just found your channel today through a video you posted three years ago. You bought a $17 set of pick-ups to see if you could get a Squier to sound like a Strat, and surprisingly, the Squier ended up sounding as good or better in the tests you did.

I'm kind of a weirdo when it comes to learning to play the guitar. I never owned or played an acoustic guitar, I started right off with an electric Les Paul copy. A friend in high school introduced me to his guitar teacher, and I started to learn what I know now as power chords, not knowing there was a difference in how you played chords.

The lessons didn't last long, and I ended up learning lead-style playing on my own instead of practicing the chords more. So, I never learned to read music, or learned which key I was playing in, I just went with what sounded good at the time. 

Now, it is MANY years later, and my wife and I are setting up a music room in our house. She plays drums, and last year I bought an electronic keyboard to learn to play, and will be picking up the guitar again as well. What I was wondering the whole time you were playing these chord progressions is which key and where you would play lead over them? Any tips on that end?

Thanks again, I really enjoyed these two videos so far, will definitely be watching more of your stuff!


Beautiful chords. Bet they would sound great on acoustic as well. Thanks for the great tutorial, more like this would be awesome!


You just completely blew my mind! I wish I had learned this when I was a teen struggling to learn guitar. 💚✌️🎸


Excellent video. I have seen some of these chords but really haven't tried to incorporate them. A new task is at hand!!! Thanks


Thanks for this, you have by and far the most practical and useful information I have found on YouTube my favorite guitar channel!! God bless have a great day!


i love your guitar reviews and unboxing vids, but this lesson is outstanding...i have been playing the old barre chords for decades and this is the first time they have sounded good...haha...keep it up and thank you