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Kamu masih muda fatima lawan sarajan toh dia bukan siapa² kamu..lawan kalah kan perempuan sihir itu tidak pantas berkeliaran..shahin kenapa kamu biarkan ibu mu berbuat zolim terus pada fatima..perempuan tua itu setiap hari berbuat zolim terus pada fatima..tuan operator cb and
a lihat di kolom komentar para pelanggan mulai mundur melihat konten anda..karena jami jenuh di suguhkan cerita yang hanya itu² saja..rubah isi cerita yang wajar dan pantas untuk enak di tonton..


Почему полицию не вызывают кому нужны эти скандал Смотреть не приятно


If he comes back and starts causing trouble, tell him not to follow the cameraman and hit Sarazan's foot with a shovel from a place he can't see.


Fátima defiéndete pégale tú a ella está en tú casa no entiendo porque no actúas, que esperas!


Looking at the old woman's efforts, it seems like she's lying about being in pain. She wouldn't even listen to me if I asked her, so how dare she threaten me... Let's report her to the police right away and have them arrest her.


제작자님  우리는 평화 를 원합니다  마녀 등장시키지  마세요 ~^^


Llama a la policía y termina con el problema de una vez, Sarajan es mala tiene que estar Presa.


A Fatima não tem nenhuma  obrigação de soltar a nora da estima dela


Realmente operadora está mulher já devia está na cadeia,ela não para de perturbar a Fatima você vai esperar ela matar a Fatima


The cameraman should call the police and show ANOTHER video.  Don't they have laws to protect people and keep them away from their property???


Fátima si no sos capas de defenderte alejate de alli por qué si no sale esa otra


Старая как  ей не стыдно


Tbm  acho tudo drama


Չար կախարդ պառավ


The writers of this show make Fatima seem like she doesn't mind the harassment every day or she'd do something about it. IT'S BORING!  AND she let's the child play with knives! That seems insane to me.


Porque não chamou  a polícia


Старушка ещё та вруша  ноги болят  а ро горам бегать и драться, она нормальная.  А Фарзан твоя хотела убить  твоего сына, ты что её так защищаешь  тебе прислуга нужна,  так и скажи. Я ничего делать не хочу.


Bosorka kde mas vys avac. ?Nema bosorky pouzivaju metlu.!!!#😂


Mrs. Patem! You are too weak. Be strong. You have to be strong to protect your children and your home. Call the police and tell them that the kidnapper is coming and threatening you. Sarajan's crimes are all recorded on camera footage.