
Tbh I love how many of these comments are skeptical. This doesn't pass the smell test and people are thinking critically.


I don't know who came up with the (stupid) idea that trains have a surplus of energy.
any energy recuperated from regenerative breaking should be store back in batteries in order to move the train and reduce their energy consumption (same way it is used in electric/hybrid cars).
solar panel are nice, but their average (daily) output is about 100 watt per square meter. even if you completely cover the train with solar panels that is about 5 horse power per train carriage, so no energy surplus there either.


As a physicist this is one of the most hurtful videos I’ve ever seen. This idea is so utterly stupid that I am thinking this must be a troll video.


Very dissapointed about this topic. I've never heard of this "solution" but I can find a lot of problems with it in 10 seconds. First, you will increase the train air friction (no such things as free energy, remember?). Second, if you do recover the braking energy, use it directly on the purpose of the train - transporting (hybrid locomotive for diesel or put it back into the grid for electric ones). Third, do not attempt to suck CO2 from normal air (remember what ppm actually means) and apply this (heavy) machiery near a power plant that emits CO2 like crazy, and at the same time you dont't have to move the weight of this carbon capture device, but rather move... people and goods... This is what trains are for, not for catching molecules of co2. Etc, etc. At least, at the end of the video you mention REAL solutions for ccs - trees.


How did this get past QA? This will produce more CO2 than it captures.


The train idea hurts my mind as it's generally a transportation system that runs on fossil fuel, and the energy is not "free", as the added weight ends up taking more energy for the train to accelerate, and then you have to factor in the percentage of runtime that actually involve braking, which shouldn't be often as this is a train.  Not to mention that the size of each unit is so small, it's hard to imagine it making an impact.  Every little bit helps I guess.


And this is why removing the dislike-counter is such a stupid idea:
Liars like these roam around freely.


How to destroy the reputation of a 10 million subscriber channel in 1 video.


Thunderf00t just had a field day with this 'concept'... hilarious


Thermodynamics: am I a joke to you?


The only limit to this idea may be reality.


2:45 except that the train now has to use more energy to move because of the extra drag so essentially i don't think it's that much different from using a fan for this.


Wouldn't the braking energy be better used to propel the train? Trying to do it on the train will only add to weight and energy needed to accelerate it. The fan is not the energy intensive part of the process so putting it on a train is less efficient.


I don't understand why you claim that this would not require energy to push the air through those train carriages, 'because they're already moving'. Wouldn't such a car increase drag, forcing the engine to work harder, thereby requiring more energy?


Who's just here with schadenfreude flavoured popcorn to read the comments section after the Thunderf00t video?


The title is SPOT ON ! This video is why channels like this are entertainment and not a science resource. For that you have Thunderf00t, potholer54,Sabine Hossenfelder, NileRed, PBS Space Time & co, Sean Carroll, etc.


The fact that every advancement made to clean up this problem is used by the oil companies as an excuse to just keep drilling is a real kick in the nuts.


Regarding the laws of thermodynamics: “(1) You can’t win; (2) you can’t break even; and (3) you can’t get out of the game.”


The train "idea" is likely appealing to a toddler. It speaks volume about the pseudo scientific skills those guys have. They are precisely what is dangerous on internet, spreading stupidity all over.


The biggest lie about carbon capture is that it would somehow be more efficient than using the energy generated to replace combustion engines.