in short: - learn the basics - connect knowledge with something
"Concrete example" for those who still don't understand first principles: math. Learn to add 1+1 and suddenly you know a lot more math than you think. If you can add you can subtract. If you can do that you can multiply and divide. If you can do that you can use exponents and multi-step equation solving. Everything you learn in math builds a foundation for more complex math. If you are one of those people who thinks you're "not good" at math ita not your fault its your teachers faults. They taught you to memorize formulas instead of UNDERSTAND numbers. If you understand number relationships there is no math you cannot solve or easily learn to solve.
I have ADHD and I find reading extremely difficult, but with this newly acquired knowledge I feel this is a right step in achieving my mission of making the world a better place. Thank you for the insightful video. Great work!
this learning style is literally the only way i can fully understand anything…my heart sank for a moment while watching this video because i’ve always felt odd for wanting to fully understand how things work right down to the basic details!
when i try to learn something, i try to imagine being in a room teaching a class of people. if i can explain to them an abstract/technical concept in a non-technical way that they could understand, that means im on the right track. and then i replay and refine this over and over again.
Having a solid foundation definitely puts the "little things" into perspective
Most successful scientists understand this thought process of learning that everything is connected. You can't learn about chemistry without learning a bit of math, or biology, or physics, etc. You cant learn about psychology without understanding a little bit of neuroscience, biology, biochemistry, medical science, etc. Everything is connected in some way or another, you must be able to take knowledge from many many many different fields and combine them. Because what you will find as you keep pushing forward with knowledge is that no matter how different all these different fields are from one another, they are all very similar. Sure you can never know everything, not even about one specific field. But by learning just 20% of the knowledge of a specific field, you can solve 80% of the remaining problems. That's what Elon Musk knows that so many other great scientists knew as well. It's always better to know a lot about a lot of different fields than it is only to know a lot about one specific field and then nothing else. Because then you truly don't know enough about that one field if that's the only thing you know.
This is exactly my way of learning, I need to study the basics of the subject in order to be able to correctly understand and remember anything specific about it. Takes a while, but it's worth it in the long run.
The application of the tree analogy is knowing your fundamentals. To know how to do anything effectively, start from the basics and learn those well. Ex. Artist - learn anatomy. Guitarist - learn scales and music theory.
This presentation is based on the principles of System Thinking, which is so powerful because there are systems everywhere. Sometimes people don't even recognize the system patterns.
Always always get to the bottom of things first. It’s amazing how many people won’t do that but still try to comment on and attack things. There’s no constructive discourse because people don’t know how to invest in concepts.
Guys this is really important, it is more of a MINDFRAME, organising information within your head, to improve capacity of reach. We live in a society of too much information so is great to know where everything is for easy access. This is a 'How To Thinnk' Not 'What ToThink' Think and Grow Rich also talks about same concept, Organised Knowledge, read also 48 Laws of Power, read 3 Circle Theory
But sometimes we don't know which one is fundamental or specific topics. We ended up having scattered information. Only when we study them back and forth, multiple times, we finally able to connect the dots between fundamental and specific.
"2 components of learning" Step:1 Understanding Step:2 Remembering Understanding+Remember= Good learning whatever you want leaning
Classic “NT” thinking. An overview is essential. Then connect the dots. Don’t be married to things you like (that no longer works) Learn and connect. It’s the story of my life. No learning is wasted, when connected to each other. It’s so much more effective, dynamic, fulfilling and fun. It’s the way we were created
I see it like this: 1) You learn new areas of interest the same way you would learn a subject through formal courses in school. That is, understand and do the basics exceptionally well first.. then tackle more complex topics. Example: Get to know basic arithmetic intimately first before attempting Trigonometry, then Algebra and then finally Calculus. Because each one builds on top of the other. This is a huge ask in terms of time and effort and won't work if you are wayward in your focus, habits and ability to say No. 2) Keep your memory sharp and be open to new experiences. .. and you will develop all these frames of references that build up over your lifetime. There is opportunity in there somewhere. And the more you think about how you can connect your knowledge of whatever level of Math you are proficient in to a potential opportunity, the higher are your changes of actually seeing it happen. In time, you get very efficient at doing these connections and harnessing them. This in turn generates more connections and opportunities.. and you will do it innately and effortlessly.
I completely understand this style. Ive always been one to get hung up in minute details if i dont feel i have a good grasp on the basics.
that's how I've been learning for the last 6 years. Not a surprise elons sucess. Yeah... I have spent 18 hours reading during 2 weeks in row. Lot of books, and learnt to play musical instruments and singing. I ve dedicated 6 years to become artist and I already enjoy creating art. Yesterday started to learn java to code for AI. New goal.
00:00:00 Learning as a key tool for entrepreneurs. 00:00:16 Elon Musk's disruptive success through unique learning methods. 00:00:25 Musk's ability to shift industries and innovate consistently. 00:01:00 Musk's exceptional learning approach compared to average entrepreneurs. 00:02:04 Importance of structuring knowledge like a semantic tree. 00:02:22 Rule #1: Building a strong foundation of knowledge. 00:03:00 Musk's emphasis on understanding core concepts before details. 00:04:22 Rule #2: Connecting information for deeper understanding. 00:04:52 Musk's strategy of building interconnected knowledge structures. 00:05:56 Contrast between collecting information and building structured knowledge.