
Yea Annie's death in the Rob Zombie Halloween 2 devastated me😢


Oh gosh yeah. Eddie's death in IT Chapter 2.


Claire's death in the OG "Black Christmas" did NOT happen in the attic. It happened in her bedroom, just like the remake, and she was carried up to the attic by Billy.


Willard the remake is so underrated, love it's  Hitchcock tones


You can not compare death for a made for TV movie and a Rated R movie, then say the Rated R is better. Of course it can be better due to the rating being different and allowing much more to be shown.


Annie's death was horrific and emotionally scarring. The way Danielle Harris cried made you feel for her. Normally I root for the killer but in this case, I was actually sad. Chris Hargensen? Oh she deserved a brutal death for sure and the remake at least did that.


Eddie Kasprak's death was more faithful to the novel in the original IT miniseries.


Good lord, dude ends every sentence with the exact same vocal inflections.


I definitely liked the death of Nancy’s mother in the 2010’s movie better than the original.

As for the Death of Chris in 2013’s Carrie, my only pet peeve was that I wish that they had kept her alive longer and let her suffer as she burned to death.


Annie's death in H2  makes the whole movie a lot better huhu. It was so emotional and gruesome


Don’t forget Gage Creed from Pet Semetary.  It still counts seeing as he died twice in the original movie, and in the remake he might’ve died???


I still say the death of the Mother in the Omen remake is so much worse. While not gory that slow burn of the nanny killing her while she is helpless to stop it. That is way better than a jump scare that leads to an off screen kill. 
I don't think the beheading was the one to pick from this film.


First sentence of narration: "One way in which remakes have the opportunity to surpass an original film is in the death department." What if there are no deaths in the original or the remake?


I prefer dummy Marge to Gwen Whatshername's CGI kill 😆


ON Black Christmas, are we not going to acknowledge that Andrea Martin played in '74 and '06. Would have been sweet if she played in '19 but that was more of an alternate version and not an actual remake.


Eddie was crushed to death in 90s IT. Punctured lung?
You forgot 2002 Carrie remake where car doesn’t explode but is slashed around a pole, no fire.


The mother's death in 1984 ANOES was the best part of the movie!😅


I read the title of this video wrong and thought it said Remakes that were better than the original. I saw Halloween and the Omen come up and thought "WTF!!!!???"


Not gonna lie, it 2017 was a comedy for me 😆 pennywise was scary but tried too hard to be scary.  It was scary when you saw what the kids were going through.


Sucks you can't actually show any of the deaths you described