We need every state to be audited as well.
Please somebody protect this man 😭 we can't afford his loss of knowledge💯
"Saving $1trn in govt expenditure" shows the mind boggling scale of waste!!!
They hate him like how termites hate pest control. Stay strong!
The man with $300B dollars says $10,000 is LOT of money. That’s explains lot about his mindset. His riches didn’t get to his head. At heart, he is till the same man as we. This is wonderful. ❤
And yet, if a vet gets overpaid 20 bucks, the fed catches it a year later and deducts it from your future pay.
Simple Solution: executive order - if you are receiving money from government after your contract has expired, you are 100% liable to report it. If you don't report it and keep cashing it, you are committing a fraud. Now watch self reporting come through with that order.
Assuming a 10% accounting error being reported to the U.S. Congress, that would mean in the case of a national debt of $37 Trillion, the country's debt could be overstated or understated by $3.7 Trillion. I could not run a business like this. This is insane.
GO ELON !!!!! GO DOGE !!!!!! GO MAGA !!!!!!!
Elon is a genius, visionary, innovative, risk-taker, driven, passionate, forward-thinking, pioneering, humble, down to earth person..... a precious American treasure. A wonderful human being. What he's doing for the USA is remarkable and will go down in history as the biggest govt shake-up ever. His willingness to challenge conventional wisdom takes incredible courage.
Just looking at Musk, it boggles my mind that he's the richest person on Earth. He is so much different than the oil sheiks, and European billionaires, he's like the guy at the convienence store, and he's willing to spend his time, helping Trump, and citizens in general, for nothing. He truly is a national treasure.
When will the fraudsters be prosecuted and arrested?
JOE BIDEN Needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE criminally !!!!!!
This man may wind up saving civilization!!!
It has become overly apparent that we have been living in an illicit democracy for some time now, and DOGE is healing this political malady.
Thank you, Matt. Thank you Elon, a true patriot. You know he'd rather be solving high tech problems.
Well done. Thank you.
Keep going DOGE. Quite happy with this.