I like that the pathologist became the kids' guardian after them being orphaned. And the fact that their bond lasted that long is nice, they became each other's new family.
This actually looks like a good werewolf movie especially interesting to include the battle of the Somme. Werewolf movies just work best when set in the past whether it’s Victorian, Edwardian early 1900s—the makers understood that
The autopsy scene in this movie is one of the single coolest and most creative ideas I've seen in a horror movie since John Carpenter's 'The Thing'. The idea that the victim becomes "cocooned" inside the beast as part of the curse, and emerges when it's killed is just... - chef's kiss - Hats off to who ever came up with that idea.
As a French, very cool to see the Werewolf myth mixed up with the Gevaudan Beast, which is one of the most prominent French myths. A french movie about this myth is Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte des Loups, 2001), one of the most high-profile productions in French cinema history. More like a fever dream directed by the maker of Silent Hill, but an enjoyable ride with quite great set designs
I LOVED THIS FILM. There’s so many takes on Christianity and how his son isn’t returned until the curse is over cause “THE SINS OF THE FATHER ARE NOT OF THE SON” I loved it so much. So many connections. It’s really a great film.
As someone who loves werewolves and everything lycan, the interpretation in this film is such an awesome take
I like the incorporation of the mom letting herself be shot through by the silver bullet, because it feels like a play on how sometimes a werewolf cure has to do with love, like a Loved one has to do the killing blow to put them down for good like in adaptations of The Wolfman. Not sure exactly what the lore justification is there, like a reverse True Love's Kiss, True Love's Kill. The mom's blood could have mixed with the bullet entering her wolf-son as some sort of biological ritual or a symbol of christ's sacrifice, acting as some sort of partial nulification of the curse since they're tying it with Judas' silver. IDK, but normally I'd hate a random sacrifice like that but it works here, either tactically to distract the wolf long enough to get shot, or pathologically/magically having her blood sacrifice be a necessary component for it to work, like an organ transplant works best when it's doner is biologically close. Her blood/life-force helped the silver from being rejected? could have. I like the aspects of mystery with how this curse works, and where exactly it falls. it feels ancient and vaguely unknowable; not lost knowledge but knowledge yet to be discovered.
I really like the premise here. The silver coins Judas got for betraying Jesus worked as a sort of anti-Holy Grail artifact. Though it does raise the question of how the coins originally got cast into the form of silver teeth or why. I think the way the curse started could have been a bit better though. Instead of some rich landowners being greedy, some kind of betrayal would have been more fitting. Perhaps the Englishmen breaking some kind of agreement or something like that would help lean into the betrayal angle better.
According to witness statements, the beast of Gevaudan was likely an escaped tiger! It was described as a lone stealth hunter that had stripes and a white belly, though it was described as wolflike by witnesses for lack of a better word, very cool reference on the movie's part
Every time I get a notification from found flixs I feel like I'm getting ready to huddle around a campfire with a bunch of u and listen to him tell us a spooky story!
Growing up in France, whenever we were visiting my grandma, we'd make a highway stop halfway, and the whole area was decicated to the beast of Gévaudan. Stones carved with stories, ancient drawings in glass cases and a stone bath (like where people washed clothes) caked in old blood ! I was te-rri-fied of the beast and imagined all sort of things, it's insane seeing it in a big budget movie !!
22:36 "As though it didn't want to attack them, like *they're not guilty*" I disagree, this thing has gone after kids, maids, and old ladies that had nothing to do with the massacre, it is clearly indiscriminate in it's attacks. As for why it backed off...I dunno. It could be it sensed the silver bullets he was holding, could be it detected easier prey nearby, or maybe the writers just forgot what the beast does.
The creature design for this movie is one of the most grotesque, terrifying and creepily awesome creation....and the movie's vibe is killing it.....worth to watch
No lie, I thought this was really good I could appreciate its deviance from the standard werewolf story, because it was well established and detailed
24:00. The chaos of the bloody werewolf attack of the townspeople in the church is probably referenced in the flashback which might highlight "war is hell" concept.
This was such a refreshing take on the werewolf lore and summed up perfectly! I can always rely on FoundFlix for my next movie recommendations 👌 Top notch content everytime
I was hoping to hear that the curse started up again after the bullet was taken out of his body, the only thing keeping himself from turning being removed. But I haven't actually seen the movie so maybe there is something that would keep it from happening.
i was lucky enough to see this in theatres recently!! i was so delighted that i was actually seeing a well-written and well-shot horror movie in 2022 :)
I get so happy when a new Foundflix vid pops up in my notifications. It's been my relaxing bedtime ritual for almost 3 years. All that to say thank you for rolling these out continuously!