Thank you Di. I have all of my pieces cut out and ready to go. So many great tips here!
I love your style of teaching! I feel like I'm right in the room with you! What fabric are you using for the outside of the bag? I've made this bag several times in various materials, but never in vinyl or leather. I think that will be my next project. Thank you for inspiring me! With everything going on in the world and especially here in the US right now...we need a little ray of sunshine and you've provided that!
Hi..Love your videos..The pattern does not say what size of press snap..could you tell me what mm size you prefer since I will need to buy the die....Thank You Barb
Thank you for this! I have most of mine cut out. This will help a great deal! Haven’t decided on my connectors yet. What stitch length on the vinyl do you use?
What machine did you use for your snaps and rivets?
Can you use decovil rather than the foam bosal?