It's always funny for someone to say something like "I will never be defeated" just for it to skip to them being defeated 1 second later
Its actually impressive how the faces are so expressive shang tsung has that smug look all the time liu kang looks happy and confident it feels like an actual movie.
Liu Kang constantly regretting not making Johnny more humble is so funny. Like he had every opportunity to do so, but just went with “whatever happens, happens.”
Shang Tsung coming from other time line, deceiving Shang Tsung and fighting with himself is the most Shang Tsung thing ever
40:25 I like how Liu Kang specifically says to Raiden "I would never send my champions unwittingly into mortal kombat" because he knows that in previous timelines Raiden has specifically done that same thing to him
Baraka, Reptile, and Geras as good guys, and having more heart than humans? What a good storyline. I love this so much
Can we just appreciate how far Baraka and Reptile have come storywise in the NRS era of Mortal Kombat? They went from being two dimensional minions in MK9 to getting their own story chapters and contributing significantly to the plot.
Reptile is probably one of the most humble beings for his kind.
The fact that they found a way to implement the Test Your Might in the main story is amazing
Reptile: "They can't catch what they can't see" 1 min later: Is the first one to be seen and caught immediately
It's crazy how a game series that started based around being scandalous for its violence and shock value has become so weirdly wholesome.
who knew a game could have a collection of cutscenes that are better and more cinematic than some movies, insane.
Mk 9 Raiden: “I must consult the elder gods!” Mk 1 Raiden: “I gotta ask my parents!”
The final battle essentially being a greatest hits of every past game is just amazing to me. So many references, so many old costumes. The MK team still really cares about this series, and it really shows in this game.
That scene where Johny gives Kenshi Sento never fails to melt my heart. It's just insanely wholesome.
“I will never be defeated” Smoke: Blows up Entire Planet FATALITY
Honestly this was a fantastic 4 hour long movie. I literally just sat here with no interruptions other than to answer the door for pizza. Love your cuts man!
Missed baraka toward the end. Love that they allowed everyone to have their own chapter. Reptile and baraka are no longer jobbers and actually have lines and dialogue that affects the story.
2:35:50 My favorite line was when sindel said "MK12_148_154,11". Truly inspiring.