You do you Manish! I’m all for your Bernie anecdotes. Great show as ever lads.
Mechanical sympathy. Letting the oil get up to temperature, not just the water, before spirited acceleration.
I am so glad Chris mentioned the gear lever gentle push check for neutral, it's something I have been doing of years and could never understand people that mashed it left and right aggressively for no reason.
Nice one gent's, ignore the trolls Manish, you're a great addition to the podcast
A Friday isn’t complete without hearing Neal pronounce the word ‘Fuck’
At 22:16 where Chris Cooper says “there’s nobody watching” with the straightest face after the happy ending comment has me literally gasping for air from laughter. The dryness slays me
Neal please please 🙏🏻 take your car to Iain Tyrrell and be featured on his channel sorting your Espada brakes. And Manish, please please 🙏🏻 can you do an episode with Chris and the gang when your 456 is ready where you all go for a coffee and talk about what you’ve had done with it. Keep up the great work chaps, makes my week, every week!
Mechanical sympathy - NOT turning steering at a standstill - the car needs to be moving to save stress and scrubbing. Driving a telehandler teaches you this and helps you in the rest of driving life. All of your comments on this I 100% agree with. What a great show. I’m a fellow mk1 Mini Cooper owner 👍
The careful and considered avoidance of a pothole is one of my favourite mechanical sympathy traits to find in another driver.
Honestly, is there any car Neil didn't own? 😅 I love how he just casually sticks 'Oh, i used to have one' when the most outrageous cars get brought up. As always, the podcast is a delight to listen to. Thank You Gentlemen, You are doing something amazing!
😂yes Mr.C! Harris leaning on the glass in the GT3 video with Andreas gave me a panic attack
When I was 14 years old, my best friends family invited me to go on a long weekend away with them. They owned it early 1980s Volvo station wagon. We had it packed to the gills and there was a canoe strapped to the top. This vehicle had a gasoline engine and a four speed manual with an overdrive button. Navigating the hills and curves to get to the cabin had me mesmerized watching his stepfather Effortlessly drive. I learned what momentum driving was that day.
I doubt you will see this, Manesh, but... as if I didn't relate to you enough already, naming the Sound of Music and in particular that scene with Capt Von Trapp and the Nazis... nailed it. Just brilliant. Signed, another creative (hiding behind an anonymous YouTube screen name).
Brilliant as always. Not missed an episode. I would love it if a once monthly "lubricated" pod could happen 😂
Fantastic pod cast again. The absolute highlight of my week. I look forward to it every Friday. Chris Cooper, Please keep going off on tangents. And Manish definitely continue to interject with interesting facts. All of these things make this podcast what it is, and give it its character. Long may you all continue!!
The neutral check is so right. My biggest annoyance is when someone approaches a junction they force the gearbox into first gear and it snatches it into place because the car is still moving to quickly. You should gently apply pressure and when the box is ready to take first it will accept it. Don’t give a car first gear, Allow it to accept it.
Re Chris's engine braking story. Back in the day I had an XR4i and it had a 'brake check light' that stayed illuminated until you pressed the brakes. I lived in Chippenham and used to drive round the bypass up the dual carriageway to M4 J17 and I became obsessed by just using gears/engine braking so the light was still lit by the time I joined the M4 eastbound. #goodolddays
0:00 intro 0:55 mechanical sympathy 16:30 Italian job without minis 29:05 big vs small accelerators 39:32 Worst brakes experienced relative to the car 58:05 F1 1:15:10 2CG 1:25:20 music I love how progressively unhinged these episodes become, gives me a good laugh every friday. Thank you gents 👍
Forcing gears in, banging the clutch out without rev matching, banging the clutch out on AWD cars (and slipping the sh*t out of it on the opposite end), engine lugging, lurchy steering, not getting the oil hot. Went for a test drive of an mx5 a few years ago, owner gave it the absolute beans out his estate after only 3/4 minutes of it being turned on. Instantly knew I'd wasted a trip down there.