00:13 - So interesting 😏 . United States 🇺🇸 have military base in Japan 🇯🇵 after the end of the WW2 ( 1939 - 1945 ) , South Korea 🇰🇷 in the beginnings & after the end of the Korean War ( 1950 - 1953 ) & Singapore 🇸🇬 in 1965, after Singapore 🇸🇬 was been kicked out of the Malaysian 🇲🇾 federation after being seen as pro-communist China 🇨🇳 by the Malays, after the beginning of the Vietnam War ( 1965 - 1975 ) in the same years . United States 🇺🇸 , South Korea 🇰🇷 & Thailand 🇹🇭 have combat experience with the Chinese 🇨🇳 troops in Korean War ( 1950 - 1953 ) & Vietnam War ( 1965 - 1975 ) . Indonesia 🇮🇩 have declared the September 30th Movement ( 1965 - 1975 ) which have led to more then 500k - 1M ethnic Indonesian 🇮🇩 Chinese that are pro-communist China 🇨🇳 die . Malaysia 🇲🇾 also have many combat experience with many enemies that are pro-communist China 🇨🇳 , as Malaya First Insurgency ( 1948 - 1960 ) , Konfrantasi War ( 1963 - 1965 ) , North Kalimantan Insurgency ( 1965 - 1990 ) , Malaya Second Insurgency ( 1968 - 1989 ) , North Thailand 🇹🇭 Insurgency ( 1978 - 1983 ) & Khmer Insurgency ( 1992 ) in Combodia 🇰🇭 . By the way, many things happen in Southeast Asia in 1965 😏 .
Protecting their ocean poachers.
CITING THE EPOCH TIMES LIKE YOU GUYS USED TO ON CHINA INSIGHTS. Holy moly, a void in my life that was there for the last 8 months is slowly being filled again.
Thanks for continuing to focus on the geopolitical mess Kommy China is bringing to the world, Vic.
Look out, a paper tiger military threatens.
a Declaration of War ?