
What's made it hard for you to still believe in God?


While attending UNT, Lecrae was so humble and we lived in Clark Hall. He was so nice that when I would return for the weekend from visiting my hometown, he would take my luggage to the 3rd floor for me. True gentleman and we were also in Voices of Praise together. So happy for your success and journey. Thanks for sharing your testimony with the world! ❤


I have Autism. I Was Born with Autism and I was ashamed of have Autism for long time. but now i learn to live with. God make you who you are for a reason.God really helped me to find my purpose again.  God bless!


I was never satisfied following conventional wisdom. I was always chasing something. God helped me find my purpose again. Praise God.


Fam… This is an on time word! I’ve been praying for over a month on confirmation about my ADHD medication. God told me two weeks ago to watch your videos and I procrastinated but I just prayed again and God said it AGAIN for like the 5th time to watch this video and I was crying tears of relief because it’s like God is speaking directly to me THROUGH YOU. That’s the power of the Holy Spirit! This podcast message is ANOINTED. YOU are ANOINTED! I’ve been seeking answers SPECIFIC answers for months, been praying and fasting, and even went through deliverance many times including self deliverance and got demons cast out of me and God has miraculously healed me- BUT, I still struggle with severe ADHD, severe anxiety, severe depression, PTSD, just to name a few… and this video was such an on time word for me. This was a breath of fresh air. Thank you for always being so vulnerable. Your ministry is saving lives including mine. This has blessed me greatly! I’m always praying for you and your family. God bless you ❤


I was diagnosed with ADD last year and literally EVERYTHING made sense as to why life has been difficult. Thank God His strength is made perfect in my weakness. 🕊🖤🎶


I was told I will never walk again, I am 41 and have been in a nursing home for three years. My aunt has.my two younger children, my senior is in foster care and my 21 year old is 2k miles away in Job corps. My husband died three years ago and my dad died 2 years ago. I still give God praise. I survived a suicide attempt and I àm thankful. That was 3 years ago.


God is the only thing getting me through this tough time I am facing right now .


I swear being a Christian fighting through a mental health disorder is a crucible like no other and the stakes are DANGEROUS. I too have ADHD and didn’t get diagnosed until I was 38 years of age after having a terrible panic attack at work in front of more people than I could count. The worst day of my life saved my life…praise God.


Your ability to love is proportional to your ability to humble yourself.


I am coming out of a very tough time of my life. I became very sick while working a well paying job and I was performing with some of the most famous gospel artists. I couldn't function the way I needed to in order to perform in both situations and I felt abandoned. I lost my job and so many stopped reaching out to me. I praise God that I still had my loving and faith filled family to help me. My family lacked for nothing during this period. It was still depressing for me. I felt worthless. I finally surrendered and asked God for healing. I also believe in therapy. Thankfully, my parents are therapists. God worked through them. I didn't even realized how blessed I was in the midst of this storm. The only thing keeping me from wanting to end my life was knowing this would hurt my family. I thank God for people like Levee because it helps us to see we are not alone. May God continue to bless him and all of you here.


I was recently diagnosed with PTSD from some prior traumas in my life. I also suffer from anxiety and depression and i will say this GOD is the only reason i make it through each day. This was an amazing message to listen to first thing today. God's blessings to you Lecrae!


Totally in the same boat with you! I’m ADD, OCD, have a brain injury, depression, anxiety! Could not get through without doctors, a counselor, my parents and family! To function better for the kingdom than without it!


Thank you for sharing - I'm a believer and also a late-diagnosed autistic and ADHD-er. I've struggled with postpartum depression and wished for so long that I could be the mother my son deserves. But then I hear truths like these and it's a comfort straight from God. It's not easy, but it's less difficult.


This is exactly what I’ve been wanting to hear and talk about!!! I have bipolar disorder and I will always need to take my meds and I have accepted that now. People in church clap and celebrate when someone announces they got off their meds but for me it would not be a celebration. That’s the reality. Let’s normalize it!!!


Thank you for using your platform and being transparent with your mental health.  I am a hairstylist that considers my chair as my platform…
I have had severe anxiety since I was 15 and I just turned 44.

Best said when you said the brain is not the spirit. Take the medicine if you need it.


Thank you for having this conversation because the doctors told me I have schizoaffective


This speaks so much volumes to my soul. I have a 7 year old autistic son and it's been hard since he's been born. Also being the head of my family for so long I've been like I have to be strong. Until one day GOD spoke to my spirit saying I am your strength not you. Reach out to therapist, spiritual leaders. We were not meant for isolation or to fight on our own. I thank GOD for the medications my son is on it has helped him so much! I agree Lecrae. Seeing my son able to function better with medicine is GOD!


Thank you so much, Lecrae, for being so transparent and sharing your story. It’s so important that mental health is addressed, especially in the Church.


ADHD is a disorder that can be brought into order. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. There's no cure. Therapy for me is multifaceted. You're awesome Lecrae. Blessings always Shoshanna from South Africa